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Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 07-11-2011, 01:42 PM

Larséne caught the fragment and held it up in front of herself for a while, but after a moment opened the bag so she could sniff softly at the opening before closing it and made a motion as if still taking a whiff of whatever it was, though she gave Demetri a curious look, shrugging a little,
"It's a new one on me, I can't place its origin, its not demonic in nature, though in purpose it obviously is connected somehow." She responded, tossing it back to Demetri, "If I had to guess, it's man-made, or at least, uses material converted from the mortal world," She added, though she felt like she would have known what it was, rubbing her chin softly, but then looked back to her abandoned candy bar and quickly returned to it, picking it up from its place on the window sill where she'd left it.

However Larsene then looked at Minerva and Demetri,
"Perhaps if you find out how it was made there could be a clue as to who made it. It certainly doesn't look like simple raw materials to me," She smirked, though a part of her was annoyed, she didn't like not knowing something, she'd been around for a long time, a very long time, and seen many things, but truthfully knowledge came form humans, they dabble din physics and natural things that demons didn't care for, demons were rich with mysticism, magic and dark energy, what use did they have for alchemy?

Some-one obviously had a use for demons though.. A watcher was following the girl that whole time and whoever was following her hadn't tried to kidnap her yet..? She was getting more and more curious about this..