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Lunawisper Sayles
Lunawisper Sayles is offline
Old 10-27-2008, 03:10 AM


1. Follow Menewsha’s TOS

2. I reserve the right to reject any profiles for any reason. But normally, I’m quite lenient.

3. Please watch your spelling and grammar. This RP is for those fluent in the English Language (Don’t care if it’s your first, third, or even forty-eighth language. If you can’t understand English…Sorry. I dunno if you’ll be able to find this RP enjoyable.) NO 1337sp33k whatsoever either. If u typ lyk tis I wont acept u, nubcakezorz.

4. Please try to remain In character as much as possible.

5. No trolling. No Spamming. No Begging.

6. Check these rules frequently to see if any changes have been made. =)

7. Please keep this RP PG-13. No cybering…Please. Nobody needs to see such things. Keep that to PMs if you must do such things. But no pestering for cybering.

8. No whining. If a slot is already filled, it’s filled unless the person gives it up or I strip them of that position, or they die in the RP.

9. NO harrassment of other Rpers is allowed of ANY kind. This includes, but is not limited to: Namecalling, racial/sexual slurs/pestering/ect.

10. Ask permision before you kill off a character.

11. I will have the final say weather anything is inappropriate or not. But again, normally I’m quite lenient.

12.If you’ve read through these rules put “Destruction of a Planet: (Named/Hero/Villian) Application” in the title of your PM and put your favorite anime/manga (or “I hate anime/manga" somewhere in the PM)