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Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 11-09-2010, 08:18 PM

The link to this role-play is up!

Please be able to post at least once every three days if you decide to join and do not leave people behind by posting to fast. I want two to three more in the role-play :].
Anyone who is interested in a zombie roleplay post here. The last one I was in randomly died but I still have this urge to kill zombies.

The only rules would be:
You are not super human, you are human. Remember that in your posts. You get tired, you sweat, and you bleed.
Third person speech would be used during roleplay.
Literate or semi literate posters, this means at least post three sentences. Writer's block happens and that is understandable but if your post is going to be a one liner it is better to not post at all. Also keep your posts semi-clean of errors, for example type your post up in mozilla which has a spell checker or type it up in word before posting it.
pg13 romance, if romance is had.

With that all out of the way now it is time for a plot and time setting. It seems in my opinion most people tend to do a what if zombies happened now roleplay where the time period is around where we are now. Zombies usually infect people via bodily fluid transfer which would include bites or if you randomly decided that zombie meat might taste good. I would want the disease to only effect humans. The zombies would be living people who are infected with a disease that strips them of their humanity and focuses their thoughts on food not dead people who come back to life.

If anyone is interested post here, this is just a recommended setting I would not mind playing a futuristic zombie roleplay or one in an earlier time period. (deadspace ftw).

Last edited by Isaac Levis; 11-15-2010 at 03:47 AM..

\ (•◡•) /
**Vampire_Mistress_Jill** is offline
Old 11-09-2010, 08:40 PM

Hello, Every time I try a zombie RP it dies, or they forget about me....BUT, there is hope! And i would Love to join ^^

Reno .::Turk::. Sinclair
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Dissociative_Dreamer is offline
Old 11-09-2010, 10:35 PM

I'm interested...but I do have a zombie character that I would love to use for this, as well as a non-infected. I could always change the zombie's infection from the dead-to-life kind, I suppose...but she's more a seventies or eighties girl. I suppose I could always do the flash-to-the-past girl, right? And the boy is a cross-dresser. Is that okay?

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 11-10-2010, 12:48 AM

@vampirekiss_lover of matt: I know right! Well you are welcome to join :].

@Dissociative_Dreamer: Zombie characters would not be aloud, except for people who are recently infected the zombies do not have any real thoughts or feelings of their own. Though you could make a character that enjoys dressing the seventies or eighties look. As far as the cross-dressing boy goes I would have to see how the other role-players react to that and if they are ok with it (it is not just my call).

Oh also I would encourage just one character, at least at first.

Reno .::Turk::. Sinclair
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Dissociative_Dreamer is offline
Old 11-10-2010, 02:27 AM

Alright...well, maybe it just won't work out. Sorry!

Aeryth is offline
Old 11-10-2010, 03:20 AM

Isaac! XD We keep running into each other on here, now, don't we? Well incidentally this week is our campus' Humans vs Zombies game, so I'm kind of in a zombie phase~ XD so I think this would be fun, especially since I'm already in a paranoid, zombie-watching mindset! :3

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 11-10-2010, 05:29 AM

@Dissociative_Dreamer: Sorry to hear that.

@Aeryth: Well you are more than welcome to roleplay in this setting with us, and yes we do keep running into each other xP. I would think that people with similar tastes that stalk the roleplay requests forum tend to run into each other :P.

I am going to suggest a setting to everyone now. I would assume this would take place or at least start in America in some town which all of our characters will end up in to start the roleplay. The town should probably be less populated but not exactly rural. The 'infection' should not have destroyed the government, but forced it to withdraw in order to preserve key locations leaving most people to fend for themselves. The government is probably working on a cure but their efforts are hindered by the virus changing its genetic make up so quickly and therefore the disease being slightly different from person to person.

I was thinking about it and I think that the virus should not put a person out of commission immediately, maybe even have it offer some short term benefits to the infected such as increased muscle growth and stamina. The 'zombies' also would not eat each other because of a certain chemical their body now produces which other 'zombies' can detect in order to identify one of their own (this could explain why not all the zombies just eat each other).

Does this sound fine for both of you? If so I will start getting a thread up, we are also still accepting people interested. I was thinking somewhere in the realm of 5 or 6 people.

Shadow Kiara
Shadow Kiara is offline
Old 11-10-2010, 02:58 PM

A zombie roleplay! I'd love to get in on it, sounds like a great way to get back into rping again! :3
I could play either a guy or a girl if there needs to be a balance or something like that.

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 11-10-2010, 06:08 PM

@Shadow Kiara: Woot! You are welcome to play what you wish to, I guess the only way we will know if a balance is even necessary is when we start role-playing.

\ (•◡•) /
**Vampire_Mistress_Jill** is offline
Old 11-10-2010, 06:52 PM

Yay!! I cant wait!!! Oh, Isaac, I am moving this Saturday...So I might bot be on much during that time. I am hoping to only be out of internet access for only a day, but who knows! if that happens, Ill put my character either really close as it would be easy to move her along a but, or farther away from all the other people.

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 11-10-2010, 07:15 PM

No worries it happens. Yeah your character will be taken care of :]. i am actually working on posting the thread up now, just got done with the plot summary. I can get you a character skeleton if you are board and want to fill one out now :]. I plan to have the roleplay posted up by tonight.

\ (•◡•) /
**Vampire_Mistress_Jill** is offline
Old 11-10-2010, 07:19 PM

Sure! I am very bored actually! hehe yay!! My person will be taken care of while I am away! *Smiles*

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 11-10-2010, 09:33 PM

Our roleplay is up! Feel free to read and fill out the character skeletons (be sure to pm me with them so I can ok them).

Infection; a zombie filled horror.

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 11-15-2010, 03:44 AM

I wanted to get the word out there that I would still like 2 or 3 more people for this role-play. I also wanted people to know that I am expecting a post once every 3 days at least for this role-play. I do not want this role-play to fly by, though this might seem like a fly by pace for Menewsha, I just want it to continue at a reasonable pace. If circumstances come up where you can not post for a while that is fine just let me know about them.

Remember to wait for people to post. This means if you are in a group, and all of the group members but one is posting and the group is ready to get going do not do it without the other person having a say in it (unless they say it is ok to control them and in that case I would know). Another example of waiting for people to post is if a group of zombies approach and you kill them all in one post or someone is left out of being able to interact with the zombies because the posting was going to fast.

With all that said, I am still looking for one or two more characters :].

Nee is offline
Old 11-15-2010, 08:21 AM

[/joins] xD


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