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Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 11-21-2010, 04:45 PM

Seth just chuckled lightly at the situation, this guy seemed like a real ass. And the woman seemed to have a little bit of a temper, but Seth could not blame her. While they talked Seth took the time to get up and brush himself off, that is when he noticed the garbage can was actually one of those older tin ones with the tops.

He decided to take the top, maybe it could be used as a shield to separate him from the zombies at times. Jack suddenly started complaining about a light in his eyes, which is when Emily came out of hiding. Seth did not look down upon her for hiding, it is not like she even had a weapon to begin with and punching zombies is a bad idea he could say from personal experience.

Seth observed how Jack covered his eyes and then looked to where the light should be coming from, maybe someone was trying to signal them? Or maybe Jack just caught some window glare wrong.

"There!", He said loud enough to catch the entire groups attention, "Someone is on the roof of that bank."

During his pause between sentences something suddenly clicked, that dead zombie in the road... She would have had a perfect vantage point to have sent a bullet through it's head.

"I think we should head on over there, they has some firearms and could give us cover on the way. They were the same person who shot that zombie in the street earlier as it was advancing towards us.", Seth said while managing to stop himself before just running over there.

((I am switching my color to gray because silver is hard to read :P))

Nee is offline
Old 11-21-2010, 06:21 PM

Jack looked to the other girl, who wasn't pregnant (at least from what he thought), as she was also complaining about the glare in her eyes. Well, he was at least glad he wasn't going crazy. Looking to the girl, she seemed so much more quiet and reserved than the other woman, who was very headstrong and a little scary even. He recalled how she didn't do much of anything during the entire fight, and was about to comment on it- and by comment, he meant complain and gripe and be a general dick- but was no sooner caught off by Seth declaring that they should go over there where the light was coming from and an apparent person was.

"Are you insane?!" Jack immediately protested. "We just about died just getting this far and now you want to go way over there?!" He dramatically gestured to the bank's rooftop, looking to it himself now.

There was indeed a person on it, just like Seth had said. He had no idea what Seth was talking about with dead, shot zombies in the street or whatever (him not being the observant type, or just not having been there at the time), but it all sounded like crazy talk to him. They had gone through hell just coming this far, which was only across the street, as sad as that was.

With this in mind, he was about to protest and complain even more when he looked back from the back to where Seth was... but there was no Seth. Seth was gone. Jack just stood there a moment and blinked a few times before looking to the side and seeing Seth beginning to run towards the bank.

"H-hey, wait a minute!" Jack shouted, a little panicked now. His bodyguard-meat-shield-possible-decoy-thing was leaving him! He immediately started after him. "Don't leave me with these crazy women!"

Khalypso is offline
Old 11-22-2010, 08:18 PM

Seeing the group notice her, Elli gave a grin. She had been on her own for a while, not really meeting anyone she could potentially meet up with. The last group she had found herself with had actually been recently infected, in denial of their situation. She hadn't noticed initially, they had treated her as though she might be an infected person. Well she hadn't noticed until she saw a bite that the sole girl in the group was trying to keep covered up. That's when things went crazy. She ended up alone again in the end of it all.

"I hope they have food." Elli breathed to herself as she noticed this new group start heading towards her. She readied her rifle, prepared to give them cover fire if they needed it. She had just found potential friends, she didn't need to get them killed if they were indeed still human.

\ (•◡•) /
**Vampire_Mistress_Jill** is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 07:53 PM

Emily looked at the Guy, jack, and frowned. She followed Seth, He seemed to know what the hell he was doing, unlike Jack. Who seems to Despise women, or rather just disagrees with them. She looked up and there was indeed a person there, on the roof top. Was this there lucky day? Was there really other survivors? Emily smiled to herself, For once all night she felt like there was hope....

And for Jack, she held her tongue. She wanted to say to him 'Stop being such a baby' But did not, she would not want to start anything. Emily kept a close pace keeping up with Seth She did not want to get left behind.

\ (•◡•) /
MewMint20 is offline
Old 11-25-2010, 04:55 AM

Chris rolled her eyes and followed the men slightly “and we just make a run for it right?” Having caught up to them at the locked and barred house door. Most survivors knew that wasn’t a great plan to just run and hope you got there before they got you. She hoped she wouldn’t meet some more suicidal nuts she glanced at the men., “to me you seem like the crazy ones…” she sighed peering out a gap in the curtains making it as small as possible. She had her hand placed firmly on her katana. She glanced letting the curtain hide them again. “In immediate sight there are 2, but that means there is probably more around somewhere…and I only have 5 homemade bombs-worth of compound left. “ It was obvious she was referring to the distracting blast from before. ”and it isn’t like we can fence hop there out of sight. It’s way over there… we nee a plan, anyone got one?” it was obvious she was just slightly authoritive and had nothing to do with caring who was in charge.

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 11-29-2010, 08:10 PM

While pacing Seth continued to think, they were sure in a jam. He knew that zombies responded to sound more than any other stimulus and that they actually had a bad sense of smell. He stopped, and for a moment thought back to that experience but quickly shook it off after remembering the most gruesome parts of it. Again he began to pace, his hand up to his chin in the traditional 'I am thinking' pose.

"Well zombies respond to sound and will go investigate if there is enough noise. I do not want to make you waste those bombs they are very useful. More I am thinking that we could throw something out one of the windows, after opening it of course."

Seth now thought about the house more thoroughly, had there been a second floor? He did not remember now that he asked himself the question.

"That or a live distraction, but anyone going out of that door would surely be zombie food.", Seth said while he went looking for a set of stairs going up, and there they were, "Actually maybe we could just climb out one of the windows instead, though I think making a distraction as well would be best. How about I go upstairs and throw this garbage can lid out of the window it should make a good amount of noise when landing. Then everyone just file out a window."

It was not a well thought out long term plan, but it would get them out of their current situation. Seth looked around to see if he had approval from the others before jumping to put the plan into motion.

((Sorry I have not posted, the thanksgiving break has been crazy!))


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