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Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 02:49 AM

Harry nodded and ate the apple. " Yes, Draco" He said with a smile. He reached for a piece of fruit," you need to eat as well." He said, before feeding Draco.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 02:52 AM

"I'm alright Harry not to hungry right now" he said truthfully although he ate what Harry feed him chewing and swallowing before making sure Harry ate well. He picked up a forkful of egg Harry had brought along and proffered it to him, he enjoyed feeding Harry it made him feel close to him

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 02:56 AM

" Alright" Harry said. He ate every bit of food that Draco fed him. It wasn't long before he was full. " I'm full" He mumbled.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 05:02 PM

Setting the food aside the blonde boy wasn't sure what to say, Harry seemed a little uncomfortable, he didn't want him to feel like that. "Harry are you alright?" Draco asked finally turning on the couch to face him, the cushion sank a little and something booked him. How odd he thought reaching in between the cushions and pulling out book. Was there more in there or was this all? A check brought up nothing so why was this book just sitting in between the cushions in the first place?

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 05:20 PM

[[ What book is it?]

Harry blinked," Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?" He said. He blinked at him in confusion, and then was surprised to see Draco pull out a book from the couch. " Oh, what is that? Why was it in the couch?" Harry asked.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 05:37 PM

(Truth is I'm not sure what book it is, I just felt we needed something to perk up the role play it seemed to have slowed to a crawl and I just wanted to capture interest.)

"Not sure Harry" Draco said slowly, the hardback book didn't have a title, just the picture of a wand, stone, and triangle it was a picture of the three hallows a story he remembered his mother telling him. Flipping open the book he wasn't surprised to find the children's stories he remembered so well. "Looks like a storybook" he told Harry handing the book to Harry so he could look through it himself.

(Sorry it was all I could think of ><)

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 05:47 PM

[[ Ah, I thought it might be the potion book Harry had hid from his self.]]

" Oh" Harry said. He watched Draco for a moment, or two. He then took the book when it was handed to him. He looked over it, this wasn't stories Harry had ever heard of. Sure his family never read him stories, but he did recall old classmates talking about stories, and none of these were ever mention. " I've never seen these before" He mumbled.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 05:51 PM

"Really? I thought all young witches and wizards grew up hearing the story of the deathly hallows. Oh I forgot Harry you were raised by muggles huh, you wouldn't know about these would you. Well why don't you give them book a read, you might learn something" Draco said a touch of pink highlighting his cheeks, he hadn't meant to seem so insensitive.

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 05:56 PM

Harry sighed slightly," There's a lot of things I missed out on" He said with a slight shrug. He looked over at the book," Well their like fairytale, yes?" He asked. He then had an idea, and looked over at Draco. " Read them to me?" He asked. He scooted over closer to Draco.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 06:01 PM

"Well yeah sure I guess I can do that I'm not all that good at it, at least I don't think so after all I've never done this before" he said taking the book from Harry and opening it to the first story, which of course was the story of the three brothers who cheated death. He started reading it to Harry, the story was an old familiar one he had actually enjoyed as a child

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 06:25 PM

" Thank you Draco" He said. He smiled listening to the story. It made him think about his cloak. He wanted to lay his head in Draco's lap and listen to him tell him the stories. Though he didn't want to ask right now. He bite at his lip, he wanted for the story to finish. " I love listening to your voice." He said. He smiled," Read me the rest? Can I lay my head in your lap?" He asked blushing.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 06:53 PM

"Sure Harry I can do that, and lay your head on my lap all you want I want you comfortable after all so be my guest." Once Harry was comfortably settled Draco turned to the next story and read to Harry about a cauldron. Like muggle tales each of the stories had morals behind them.

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 06:56 PM

Harry smiled and layed his head in Draco's lap. He listened and stared up as he read the story. He loved listening to Draco's voice. He was still smiling as he stared up at Draco. He looked so beautiful as he read.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 07:11 PM

Draco's voice filled the room as he read, his hand dropped onto Harry's head and he started to run his fingers through Harry's hair in a slow rhythmic motion. It felt nice to just be with Harry reading out loud, well more just the being with him then anything else. He stopped midway and took a sip of pumpkin juice, his throat felt a little dry, before finishing the story

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 07:16 PM

Harry felt his eyes drifting closed. This was all so peaceful, and he loved Draco's hand running through his hair. " That feels good" He said before yawning. He felt his eyes close again.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-29-2011, 08:26 PM

Leaning down the blond pressed a light kiss to Harry's forehead, right on the lightning bolt scar that crisscrossed his forehead. Taking the dark haired boys glasses off he set them aside, it was clear from Harry's drowsy voice, and large yawn that he was on the brink of drifting off. Draco's hand continued it's soothing path through Harry's hair, his voice growing just a tad softer as he read another story

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 06-29-2011, 09:14 PM

Harry mhmm at the kiss on his forehead. Harry smiled slightly, and didn't even bother opening his eyes again. He listened for a bit longer, but at some point he fell asleep. He laid there in Draco's lap, sleeping and snoring slightly.

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Old 07-01-2011, 11:58 PM

Hearing the soft snore coming from the dark haired boy lounging on his lap, Draco finished the story he was reading in a soft voice before closing the book and setting it aside. There was no reason for him to continue reading, after all he was doing that for Harry's benefit not his. Sitting back Draco continued running his fingers through Harry's hair enjoying the sweetness of the moment

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 07-02-2011, 12:11 AM

That's how Harry stayed for about the next hour. He was comfy and happy. He during his whole nap, had a goofy peaceful smile on his face. His eyes opened, and everything was blurry. Yet he had no idea where his glasses where. " Draco?" He asked.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 07-06-2011, 01:33 PM

(hope you had a great Fourth of July)

He felt at peace right now Harry looked relaxed, content echoing the feeling Draco had himself but that lasted only an hour before Harry woke up. He woke up disoriented and confused, that might have been because Draco had taken away his glasses to make him more comfortable. Leaning over Harry he grabbed the glasses from the table and helped Harry slip them on. "Yeah Harry? What's up?"

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 04:14 PM

He beamed brightly once his glasses where put back on. He pulled Draco down for a small kiss. " Mhmmm, how long was I sleeping?" He asked after the small kiss.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 07-09-2011, 08:01 AM

"Only about an hour is all, but you looked so peaceful sleeping I just didn't have the heart to wake you" Draco said with a small smile, there was a chance people were looking for them by now, making him doubly grateful it was the weekend and they could have this little getaway together

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 07-10-2011, 03:37 AM

" Oh I see. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to nap" Harry said. He didn't want to nap around Draco. He wanted to soak in every minute, he could spend with his boyfriend. He knew it wouldn't be before long, his friends or at least Hermione tried to keep them apart, and he wanted to enjoy every moment they could have together. He moved to sit up.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 07-10-2011, 11:48 PM

"Don't worry about it Harry you were tired, there's nothing to apologize for luckily though I think we are pretty well hidden so far no one has come looking for us. But we shouldn't count on it happening for to long, your buddies are bound to start searching for you sooner or later" Draco said uneasy shooting a superstitious glance at the door, almost as if his words would bring someone to the room

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 07-10-2011, 11:57 PM

Once he was sitting up right, he turned, so that he was facing Draco again, and moved so that he could snuggle and cuddle with him. " Well Ron, will leave me alone, since he'll have enough common sense to know I am with you and not coming looking, since he'll be afraid of what he'll find us doing. Hermione on the other hand, I don't know." Harry said. He glanced at the door, he didn't want his friends to find him.


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