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princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 02:45 AM

Yuuki looked back up at Kaname sama. She smiled "Its nothing Senpai. It was just a nightmare. Nothing to worry about"she said as she sat in his arms. She felt safe now and more relaxed with Kaname sama. She knew he would never let anything bad happen to her. She has nothing to fear when he is around. She leaned against Kaname sama's chest. It was just dream after all and it couldn't hurt.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 02:50 AM

Kaname knew it was something more than just a dream by the way she was acting, but he wasn't going to force her to tell him. She would come and tell him when she was good and ready to. Kaname held Yuuki close to him, but he knew that she would have to be leaving soon because the rest of the Night class would be returning to the Moon Dorm soon. Kaname gently pushed Yuuki away from his chest and looked down at her with gentle eyes. "Yuuki, it's getting late. Would you like me to walk you back to your dorm?" He asked. He didn't want something to happen to her, but he didn't want to seem like he was forcing himself upon her, so he asked her. If she didn't want him to go then he would remain here.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 02:56 AM

Yuuki stood up. "Thats okay. Its not a far walk. I'll be alright"she said with a smile to assure him she was really okay. The dream no longer bothered her. She accepted the fact that it was just a dream. "Good night Kaname Senpai"she said as she bowed. She opened the door and stepped out. She walked down the stairs and out the door. She began to head back to the headmasters office. She waved to Kaname and headed for home.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 03:17 AM

Kaname watched as Yuuki got up and began to leave. He smiled at her when she told him she was okay. He wasn't going to fight with her right now if she said it was okay then he would let her be. "Good Night, Yuuki." He got up and began to pick up some papers that he needed and he set them down to the side so that he would know they were the ones he needed. It wasn't long before the rest of the Night class returned to the dorms and were being loud. He didn't bother going out to tell them to be quiet, but remained in his room. If they needed him they knew where to find him.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 03:23 AM

Yuuki reported back to Headmaster Cross with Zero and then went back to her room. She walked in carefully so she wouldn't wake up Yori chan. She got in her bed, but didn't go to sleep. She was afraid of having that dream again. She knew she was being childish, but something kept nagging at her about that dream. She laid in bed and finally she fell alseep only to be woken up again by the same night mare. It was almost time for her classes so she got up and found Zero in the headmasters bathroom. She felt so exhausted from the dream, but decided not to tell anyone about it.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 04:00 PM

The sound of Yuuki's heart beat was pounding in his ears as if she were still there beside him. The feel of her neck beneath his lips was still there. Kaname lay sprawled out on the couch in his room thinking. Yuuki had been deeply disturbed by her dream, but she would not tell him so. He knew that if he pushed her to far she would run, but he wanted to know what was wrong with her; what had bothered her so much. There was a knock at the door and Kaname did not bother saying anything they would come in on their own if they truly needed him. The door was pushed open and Kaname opened his eyes just enough to see who had come in. It was Ruka standing there before him. 'What a troublesome girl.' He thought, but it was on good timing. He was thirsty and the blood tablets did almost nothing for his thirst. She walked over to him and crawled onto the couch with him. She placed her finger to her neck and pricked herself enough for blood to begin dripping down her neck. Kaname sighed, but pulled her down to him and bit down on her neck. Kaname sent her away when he was done without some much as a word. He fell asleep on the couch.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 04:25 PM

Yuuki went to class with Zero when it was time. She could tell he was watching. It must have shown on her face how exhausted she really was. She took her place next to Yori chan. The whole class period Yuuki was in out of sleep. Her and Zero always fell asleep in class so it was nothing new.Class ended and Yori chan mentioned how tired Yuuki looked today. Yuuki just smiled and said it was just a bad dream. After class Yuuki and Zero headed for the gate for the switch over. It was almost time once again for the night class to go to class. Yuuki yawned and began to push the screaming girls once again.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 06:16 PM

Kaname was woken by the screaming of the Day class girls, but he did not get up. It wasn't until Takuma came in and told him that it was time to go that he finally got up and got himself dressed. The girls were loud today and he didn't want to listen to it, but just to see Yuuki for a few minutes was enough for him to do so. The rest of the Night class was waiting down stair for him and they all greeted him when he walked down the stairs to the door. "Good Morning." He said to all of them as he pushed the door open. They all walked down the long path to the gate and waited for it to be opened.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 06:20 PM

The girls became more restless. Yuuki just sighed. "Please return to your dorms immediately" she shouted. Naturally they did not listen to her. They only accuse her of abusing her power as a prefect. It wasn't until Zero spoke up that they stepped back. She thanked Zero for his help. She stepped between the girls and Zero when the gate began to open. She let out a sigh when the girls came rushing back over.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 08:31 PM

The gate began to open and Kaname stood watching and listening to the girls in the Day class become louder and louder. They really never gave up, but it didn't help that some of the Night class member teased them. Kaname began to walk out of the gates and the rest of the Night class followed behind him. There were plenty of hellos being shouted by the Day class members at the Night class students, but most were only given a smile wave or a smile in their direction. Kaname spotted Yuuki pushing back a group of girls and he smiled in her direction. "Thank you for all your hard work, Yuuki." He said as he passed by her.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 01:57 AM

Yuuki turned to face Kaname sama and bowed "It's nothing Kaname Senpai"she said with a smile. She really didn't mind being a guardian. It was a lot of work and late hours, but she too wanted humans and vampires work together and live peacefully just like Kaname sama and the headmaster. Yuuki turned back to the girls. "There you saw them now return back to your dorms"she shouted as the girls grew more restless.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 03:30 AM

Kaname gave Yuuki a gentle smile and chuckled when he heard her yell at the other girls. The looks on their faces showed that they clearly did not like being told what to do, but Kaname really couldn't do much to help her with them. "Thank you, Yuuki." He continued to walk with the Night class to the School. He didn't glance back to see if Yuuki was okay, but kept walking. The Day class girls would soon leave once they had no one to stare at.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 03:38 AM

Once the night class made it to the class room the day class girls began to walk away. Yuuki sighed in relief. She walked over to Zero and they both headed to the building. Yuuki right away caught a couple of day class students wandering around. Yuuki ran up to them. "Hey you guys can't be here. Its not safe. Please go back to your dorms" she stated. The girls began to protest against yuuki. "We only want to take a few photos" "Photos are prohibited" she stated making the girls go back to their dorms.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 01:30 PM

The Night class, yet again had no teacher to watch over them and a long assignment to complete. Kaname had given them their instruction and left to gather some things from the Headmaster. On his way he heard Yuuki and a few of the Day class girls fighting. He didn't interfere, but watched Yuuki try to handle it on her own. The girls were likely to become rowdy if they saw him and that would cause Yuuki problems.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 05:49 PM

Yuuki began to push the girls back to the dorm. "Aww Yuuki you're so mean" they said as they turned around and walked away. Yuuki dropped to her knees. She was being worn out. She let out a sigh and stood back up. She brushed off the dirt. She walked over to the steps of the school and sat down. She yawned and wasn't long that she was asleep.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 06:01 PM

When Yuuki fell asleep Kaname walked over and sat down next to her and he took off his jacket and placed it lightly over her. He knew she was pushing herself too far, but that was what she wanted. Kaname placed his hand on her head and lightly ran his fingers through her hair. "Yuuki..." He said softly as he lowered his head down to rest it against her chest.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 07:01 PM

This time Yuuki didn't have the same nightmare, but instead she was seeing the day she first met Kaname sama. Though this dream was frightening, it didn't make her uneasy. Though it was scary, it was also a warm moment. Kaname saving her life. She felt something touching her and woke up. When she opened her eyes she saw the white jacket that kaname sama place on her. She also saw kaname with his head on her chest. She didn't speak, only placing her hand on his head.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 07:40 PM

Kaname looked up at Yuuki and smiled softly. "I'm sorry if I woke you." He said softly. He pulled himself up and sat next to Yuuki looking down at her. He wished he could have stayed like that for a while longer, but now that she was awake she would most likely want to get back to her job.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 02:13 AM

Yuuki smiled "No its fine. You didn't wake me Senpai. I shouldn't be sleeping on the job anyways" she said standing up. She gave Kaname sama back his jacket and brushed off the dirt. "Thanks"she said as she held out her jacket. She stretched and yawned. She was still pretty tired, but relieved she didn't have that nightmare. She looked around, but could not Zero around. "Have you seen Zero?"she asked kaname sama a bit curious as to where he had went.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 03:46 AM

Kaname frowned at Yuuki as she tried to tell him she was fine. He took back his jacket from her and put it back on swiftly. "Yuuki, if you are tired then you should take a break. You could get hurt sleeping out in the open." He said with concern in his voice. If one of the other Night class students had found her the event might have been different. "I have not seen Zero, sorry." He said as he stood up.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 03:53 AM

Yuuki frowned at Kaname sama's words. "I'm fine Senpai really. It won't happen again. I'm sorry"she said a bit embarrassed that she had fallen asleep on the ground. She figured Kaname sama thought she was childish. She quickly bowed to him and turned away. She turned head back to Kaname sama "I better find Zero. Good night Senpai" she said with a wave. She then wandered around the building for Zero. When she found him he was with Aidou and Kain Senpai. He had his gun pointed out. She grabbed Artemis and jumped in. "Zero put the gun away! And you two are suppose to be in class!"she stated turning her attention to the two night class students who seemed to picking a fight with Zero again!

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 04:04 AM

Kaname sighed as Yuuki went to leave. There was so much she didn't understand and so much he wanted to tell her. He couldn't say half the things he wanted to yet or he would confuse her. He heard the noise that was coming from the direction Yuuki had just left for and decided to go and have a look. When he arrived he found Yuuki and Zero, but also Kain and Aidou there as well. Kaname came forward and gave Kain and Aidou a cold stare. "Class is still going on, did you forget that?" He said coldly. He turned to Yuuki and smiled. "I'm sorry for the trouble, but I think I can handle it from here."

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 04:21 AM

Yuuki turned around to Kaname sama "Okay. Thanks Senpai. Come on Zero lets go"she said pushing Zero away from the scene. Zero had put away the gun and just went along with Yuuki. She put away Artemis and looked at her watch. "Well class should be over soon. Lets head back"she said to Zero trying to get him to calm down. He nodded and began walking back to the dorms. Yuuki followed him silently. There was a small breeze and she paused and look back towards the school. She let out a sigh and thought to herself I'm sorry Senpai for not telling you, but its just a dream right?

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 02:56 PM

Kaname waited for Yuuki to leave before he turned his attention back to Aidou and Kain. "Do not try this again." He said coldly to them. He walked away from them without a word and began to go walk to the Headmast's office. He still needed to speak with him before he returned back to the Moon Dorm for the night.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 04:30 PM

Yuuki and Zero reported to Headmaster Cross. He dismissed them and they headed back to their dorms. She stopped in the middle of the hallway. When Zero had noticed he stopped and turned to her. "What's wrong Yuuki?"he asked. She looked up at him and replied "What was that about Zero? Why do you always have to but heads with the night class?"Zero didn't answer, but he didn't have to. She knew he hated them. She just didn't know why. She just wanted to be of help.


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