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Clockwork Lime
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Clockwork Lime is offline
Old 01-18-2010, 10:05 PM

"No, it''s fine." She looked up, but didn't quite meet his eyes, instead distracted by the door. "I think it's one of them," she muttered, meaning "zombies."

Vivi gave a slight shriek as Dante swept her up, wrapping her arms around his neck so as not to fall off. "What, the wooden ones? Go back that way..." She twisted as much as she could without screwing up his balance, gesturing to where they'd entered the hospital.

Dead Account Holder
Vompire is offline
Old 01-22-2010, 09:21 AM

He changed his direction, just avoided stepping on a torn-off arm. The hospital had a strong stench of blood, and Dante had a hard time trying to ignore it. He entered the entrance, and whirled around. "Stairs, stairs..." He saw a small sign, with stairs on it, and he pushed the door open with his shoulder.
One door led up to first floor, and one led down to the basement. The stairs was slightly damaged, and slippery with blood, but they should be able to get up. "There's footsteps in the dried blood.." He wondered if it was Alex who had run up. He began climping the stairs to the first floor.

Clockwork Lime
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Clockwork Lime is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 01:33 AM

Vivi gave an involuntary shudder when she saw the stairs to the basement, remembering vividly the ECT sessions, designed to "treat" the patients, that had taken place down there. She pushed the memory aside and focused on not falling off Dante's back or hindering his movement in any way.

"Where are you going?" she asked, rather afraid of what was waiting for them up on the top floor. She kept scanning the darkened corners nervously as they made their way up, keeping an eye out for zombies. Fortunately, she didn't see anything and kept her mouth shut for the time being.


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