View Poll Results: What do you think about zombies?
they are real!!! 33 36.26%
they are pointless 6 6.59%
they are scary 11 12.09%
they are fun! 41 45.05%
Voters: 91. You may not vote on this poll

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Ima kill you with my cuppy cake ...
purple_artemis00 is offline
Old 02-08-2010, 08:08 PM

I live near the north GA mountains, when I am not at school, and my plan centers around that proximity and a lot of weighted bladed weapons.

My parents have a cabin above the Toccoa river, sparsely populated and somewhat difficult to access, whee I plan to weather the zombie apocalypse. The cabin is n the river basin so it is set up above the ground with a car park type area below it. There are no windows below 12 feet off the ground and no access without going up steps.

I will pack loads of canned food, bottled water, seeds, my bicycle and my assorted weapons (only one of which requires ammunition) in the back of my pickup truck. I will then drive up the twisting mountain road to access road to the cabin. At the access road I will have to take caution, because here is the most vulnerable part of plan. Not vulnerable to the walking dead, mind you, but to fellow refugees who want my hiding place and supplies. At the access road, I will exercise extreme caution and head towards the cabin.

At the cabin is a small cache of supplies, including two gas cans, 20 boxes of12 gauge shotgun shells (10 rounds per box), more weapons (machetes, a few hunting bows, one other shotgun), fishing tackle, loads of firewood and a chainsaw. The cabin is also set up for long periods without electricity, as we frequently lose during the winter months. While there is a dedicated well, the cabin is close enough to the river that I would also establish a bucket system.

Once at the cabin, I would carefully unload all my supplies (except the bike) and boobytrap the door of the cabin with my shotgun, so that any invaders would meet an unpleasant end.

Then I would throw the chainsaw, one gas can and a water hose in the back of the truck. I would drive the truck out to the main road down at least two miles and siphon the gas out of it. I would then abandon the truck. Next, I'll strap the chainsaw to my back, carry the gas can and carefully start biking back.

When I reach the access road, I have to start protecting my cabin. I will use the chainsaw to fell small trees onto the road, so that no vehicles would be able to get down the access road. I would do this all the way down to cabin, in hopes that anyone in a vehicle would be stopped.

Next to prepare! I would check that my cabin had remained secure (or drag out the headless body of the invader) and set to work on the fortifications. Stairs are good, put rope ladders that can be retracted are better! Use the chainsaw (last time, the sound could draw zombies!) to remove the stairs and replace them with flimsy fire ladders (cabin has two) or rope ladders.

Now I wait. The shotgun goes up, coming out only for bike raids and when I need to defend my home from other people who are seeking shelter or food. The machetes, axes and hammers are my zombie weapons of choice! First to plant those seeds (or if the time of year is wrong, begin preparing the soil). Fishing tackle and hunting bows are critical to my success. I would hunt and fish ( am experienced with both) until the game/fish became depleted. Hopefully, at that time, my crops would be ready or my canned food would hold out. Daily bike trips would see me raiding nearby cabins, the two gas station in the area and abandoned vehicles for food and supplies.

So that's my plan. Imma live!

pumpkins is offline
Old 02-08-2010, 08:20 PM

Isn't there already a thread lke this? Because I've said this before: I'd go with a bike and a metal baseball bat.

Ima kill you with my cuppy cake ...
purple_artemis00 is offline
Old 02-08-2010, 08:29 PM

I live near the north GA mountains, when I am not at school, and my plan centers around that proximity and a lot of weighted bladed weapons.

My parents have a cabin above the Toccoa river, sparsely populated and somewhat difficult to access, whee I plan to weather the zombie apocalypse. The cabin is n the river basin so it is set up above the ground with a car park type area below it. There are no windows below 12 feet off the ground and no access without going up steps.

I will pack loads of canned food, bottled water, seeds, my bicycle and my assorted weapons (only one of which requires ammunition) in the back of my pickup truck. I will then drive up the twisting mountain road to access road to the cabin. At the access road I will have to take caution, because here is the most vulnerable part of plan. Not vulnerable to the walking dead, mind you, but to fellow refugees who want my hiding place and supplies. At the access road, I will exercise extreme caution and head towards the cabin.

At the cabin is a small cache of supplies, including two gas cans, 20 boxes of12 gauge shotgun shells (10 rounds per box), more weapons (machetes, a few hunting bows, one other shotgun), fishing tackle, loads of firewood and a chainsaw. The cabin is also set up for long periods without electricity, as we frequently lose during the winter months. While there is a dedicated well, the cabin is close enough to the river that I would also establish a bucket system.

Once at the cabin, I would carefully unload all my supplies (except the bike) and boobytrap the door of the cabin with my shotgun, so that any invaders would meet an unpleasant end.

Then I would throw the chainsaw, one gas can and a water hose in the back of the truck. I would drive the truck out to the main road down at least two miles and siphon the gas out of it. I would then abandon the truck. Next, I'll strap the chainsaw to my back, carry the gas can and carefully start biking back.

When I reach the access road, I have to start protecting my cabin. I will use the chainsaw to fell small trees onto the road, so that no vehicles would be able to get down the access road. I would do this all the way down to cabin, in hopes that anyone in a vehicle would be stopped.

Next to prepare! I would check that my cabin had remained secure (or drag out the headless body of the invader) and set to work on the fortifications. Stairs are good, put rope ladders that can be retracted are better! Use the chainsaw (last time, the sound could draw zombies!) to remove the stairs and replace them with flimsy fire ladders (cabin has two) or rope ladders.

Now I wait. The shotgun goes up, coming out only for bike raids and when I need to defend my home from other people who are seeking shelter or food. The machetes, axes and hammers are my zombie weapons of choice! First to plant those seeds (or if the time of year is wrong, begin preparing the soil). Fishing tackle and hunting bows are critical to my success. I would hunt and fish ( am experienced with both) until the game/fish became depleted. Hopefully, at that time, my crops would be ready or my canned food would hold out. Daily bike trips would see me raiding nearby cabins, the two gas station in the area and abandoned vehicles for food and supplies.

So that's my plan. Imma live!

Scourge of the Internet
Skigz is offline
Old 02-08-2010, 09:36 PM

locate a building with a roof exit and minimal windows, adequate non-perishable supplies, weapons and ammunition if needed, medical supplies and either battery powered lanterns or oil lamps. keep light near entrances and windows but subtle so as not to attract attention to your building of protection. ration food and water to minimum requirements for human survival. exercise daily so you're ready to flee on foot if the building is compromised. bladed or blunt weapons are recommended to be longer than your arm, infection passes through fluids of the undead. wear tight clothing and keep hair short to minimize any chance of being grabbed by a zombie. rigor mortis sets in after 3 hours, reaches maximum stiffness and minimum mobility after 12 hours, and eventually breaks down the proteins of muscles after 72 hours. Also keep in mind that because zombies are walking dead, cells will not regenerate injuries, e.g. zombie with broken leg will not heal and run again. permanently disabling a zombie can be accomplished by destroying the cranial cavity or brain, but civilians with no weapons training should attempt to disable mobility ligaments (arms and legs, legs preferably before arms) first before attempting to destroy the brain. avoid being bitten or getting blood or saliva in open wounds or cavities. early signs of infection are severe flu-like symptoms minus the fever. dispose of infected immediately and safely. never stay in an area longer than a week, continually move to new locations; zombies are constantly on the move.

...I'm a professional zombie slayer. :)

~Baby Grrl~
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Old 02-10-2010, 05:39 AM

I would unfortunately parish in a painful way. *fears*

xSpiffyChan is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 09:05 AM

First of all, the rules from 'Zombieland.' Also, gather large amounts of butter.
Secondly, depends on whether or not I had time to prepare, I would either build a steel tower or make due with whatever kind of sturdy tower I could find, close off all exits/entrances to this place and build myself a ladder I could climb down if I ever needed to leave, then pull it back up while I was in the tower so nothing could get in, EVER. Also, before climbing into this thing, gather as much food/weapons/ammunition as possible so you won't have to leave for a while. What if zombies just climb it, you say? Well that's what the butter is for. I think if the sides were buttered not only could they not climb up, but it'd make for some good amusment.

Lady Angel Konan
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Old 02-10-2010, 09:06 AM

I would run straight in to the hoard of zombie flailing my arms around screaming take me with you! lol i <3 zombies

!SCREAM! is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by Fauxreal View Post
Actually, I joke with my boyfriend about all the Left 4 Dead and zombie video games he plays, that he is preparing for the zombie apocalypse. He'll save me!

I also watch a lot of 'when the world ends' shows on the History Channel. *lol*
Ha ha, I watch that show too xP it's kind of interesting.

Seph Lonehart
Seph Lonehart is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 12:58 AM

Originally Posted by !SCREAM! View Post
Who is wanting your brains? Zombies, that is who! So the question arises, are you ready for when they come? What is your zombie survival plan?
Every Monday mon is reserved for zombie survival training. Details are classified mon.

But I can say please practice any planned exercises regularly.

And don't let people with overactive imaginations play too many zombie games with you *Hides this post from Sundey*

Last edited by Seph Lonehart; 02-11-2010 at 01:01 AM..

\ (•◡•) /
Sundey is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 01:03 AM

o.o zombehs... My boyfriend thinks I'm a lil crazy, and paranoid about them >_> *hides this post from seph*

I try to stash away foods and so on, but I plan on being in a locked down house, near where we can get supplies, and I'll take the stairs out going to the upstairs, so they can't get up, and, and I'll have a generator, and food, and I'll kill all the zombehs!!!! D:<

*get's out her xbox360 controller ready to take on the next hoard, and all of the special infected coming*


Fareth Darkhart
Dead Account Holder
Fareth Darkhart is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by Sundey View Post
o.o zombehs... My boyfriend thinks I'm a lil crazy, and paranoid about them >_> *hides this post from seph*

*get's out her xbox360 controller ready to take on the next hoard, and all of the special infected coming*


\ (•◡•) /
Nissa is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 02:19 AM

Zombies are real, and just need to get a good detox to become normal again. :P

\ (•◡•) /
juniper_silver is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 04:05 AM

Honestly...hide in a corner with a baseball bat probably. And yell at my boyfriend when he tried to leave to go take on zombies.

\ (•◡•) /
Synthetika is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 04:59 AM

I have no plan O_o i more than likely would be zombie chow unless I managed to find a group of people willing to protect me and drag my arse around with them xD

Suzhi Mix
Master of Leprechauns
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Old 02-11-2010, 07:26 AM

Become one and start munching on other peoples brains.. >_>

sagecat is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 07:42 AM

Rob all of the local churches of all of their holy water, then safe guard the essentially ingredients to make holy water (priest, water ect.) I would then buy/find several spray bottles and go about my business like normal, spray zombies if they get to close, it wouldn't be too hard. I mean they are supposed to burn to dusk when touched by holy water. It would probably be pretty easy to wipe the infection clean if people reacted quick enough.
But zombies don't actually exist and never will in the terrifying way that people perceive them, so I won't have to worry about holy water and I can just continue to go about my business and live by science. ;)

Savage is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 09:00 AM

hahaha, my friends and I have already planned this all out.
were all gonna meet at Costco (lotsa stuff, could survive there for awhile) my dad collects swords and Katanas, friends dad collects guns so we bring all those plus some illegal fireworks and kick ass from there.

Kurai Amaya
Kurai Amaya is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 10:36 AM

I don't really have any plan that would take less than a day to do...
Basically I'm hoping the zombie apocalypse will happen after I've been a doctor for 20 years... so I'll have lots of $$$, therefore able to make a completely zombie-proof house. I would make it right when I had enough money, though, of course... which I'm hoping would be years and years before the zombie apocalypse. ^^;

Estians is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 11:44 AM

Id join them :B and instead of eating your brains Id eat your hamburgers >:U

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 02-11-2010, 02:58 PM

There's actually a thread about this already, located here:

I'll be merging these two threads together.

smexy.buddah is offline
Old 02-13-2010, 01:07 AM

Well, when the zombies attack, i'll go (of course) into hiding first. It'd be really hard, though, because you'd have to hide from animals, people, and the like. But being alone is safer than being with people. And then i'd just survive as long as i could, and hope that a zombie gets me in my sleep. What i want to know is. . . how do those people that get eaten turn into zombies? i mean, their bodies were eaten! there is NO WAY they are intact!

Raxma is offline
Old 02-13-2010, 01:50 AM

My plan is to hide in my room with my sword and hope for the best XD

the antitwite
the antitwite is offline
Old 02-13-2010, 11:54 PM

i do believe i have absolutely no idea what i would do, but my boyfriend has a book on surviving a zombie takeover so i might read that and see...

\ (•◡•) /
Thunder is offline
Old 02-14-2010, 12:27 AM

I'm not going to go into detail, but I would find a way to meet up with my family and friends and get the hell out of dodge. We'd gather our weapons, water, and whatever food we have available. Then we'd find some transportation, a truck, preferably. (Unless someone I know suddenly gets a pilot's license. :XP ) Alternatively, we could take a boat. It would depend on how far we were from the water, I guess.

Everyone seems to focus on zombies as the only threat and hole themselves up somewhere in one place. I want to do the exact opposite. I want to get as far away from the area of infection as possible. You can bet that someone, somewhere will put out an order to nuke the area if the infection gets out of control! (At least I hope they wouldn't sit around and let the whole world be taken over. :sweat: ) Anyone barricaded in their houses, hiding from the zombies, are going to end up dead anyway. I suppose getting bombed is a better alternative than being eaten alive, though.

It's not like I'd get anywhere, either. The military would probably have roadblocks everywhere, preventing people from getting out, just in case they might be infected. Kill the few to save the many. Still, I'd feel better at least trying to get away rather than waiting for death.

So, I think I'll just hope that zombies stay not real, haha.

Last edited by Thunder; 02-14-2010 at 12:32 AM..

Chickie Nuggs
❀◕ ‿ ◕&...
Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 02-14-2010, 02:30 AM

Where I'd start depends on the location I'm at when the invasion starts. I'd call my mom and then Hammy to see if either one of them is still ok. If anyone's been bitten, well it's too late..

You'd have to become the biggest asshole to survive a zombie attack.

Anyways, my ideal scenario is just: Me and Hamlet (mom probably wouldn't survive ;~; ) driving through town trying to get into the nearest safe city, and so on/so forth.
I have little to no gun experience, so, if I had to confront a zombie, I'd probably use a long range melee-type weapon to keep them away.


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