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Old 01-31-2011, 09:14 AM

Kyle stared at him and then noticed what he was doing. He shook his head and moved infront of him. "No. He is friend. There will be no more fighting between you two." He said, although Curry probably couldn't understand really.

Ali only chuckled some. Rand reminded him of a dog somewhat. It wans't a bad thing, and he knew it was only cause of the infection. Poor guy. Ali wondered if they could somehow reverse the infection.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-01-2011, 04:37 AM

Curry began to growl, quite lowly. His golden eyes were blazing with rage. His fists twitched on the ground, as if they were eager to bash in some skulls. He was a big explosion of anger just waiting to happen. Tanks were known for always being enraged for seemingly no reason at all. They were killers, and nothing more.

Rand hissed in Curry's direction, baring his teeth at him. He was pissed off that the Tank was still in the what he considered HIS territory.

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Old 02-01-2011, 04:42 AM

Kyle sighed. "aw man. This is going to turn out to be a zombie brawl..." Kyle rubbed his arm for a moment and then he moved closer to Curry. He looked up at the large man. "Hey, Curry." He called out, trying to get him to look at him instead of the other male.

Ali blinked at what Rand did. he looked behind him to see Kyle trying to calm down the large male. He sighed, placing his hands on Rand's cheeks and made him look at him instead. "Don't, we justed finished dressing your wounds..." He muttered to him. "Man I wish you could understand me." He complained.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-01-2011, 04:45 AM

Curry's arm twitched dangerously a few times and he proceeded to stare Kyle down. One swipe of that giant arm of his could send the human flying in a potentially fatal way. With his anger issues, it was certainly a possibility. He vaguely remembered that this human had helped to make his wounds feel better and he managed to keep his arm still. But he lifted his head again to continue his briefly-abandoned staredown with the Hunter a few feet away from them.

Rand growled hesitantly, unsure of what the human was doing to him. He didn't understand why the human had placed his hands on his cheeks...

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Old 02-01-2011, 04:52 AM

Kyle sighed. He had to seperate them. "Hey Ali. I'm going on ahead before something happens. I'll be waiting!" He then nodded towards Ali and looked back at Curry. "Come..." He said as he began walking, using hand gestures to show him that he wanted him to follow him. As he walked, he grabbed his back and placed it on his shoulder.

Ali's eyes narrowed when he growled. "You can growl all you want, cause I know you are not going to do anything..." He then turned towards Kyle, watching him walk off, trying to get the tank to go with him. 'This outta be good." He turned towards Hayden. "Go with him." Hayden nodded and then ran after Kyle.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-01-2011, 04:54 AM

Curry did not like being grabbed like that. He snorted and began to chase his way after Kyle, a murderous sort of expression on his face. He didn't look like he was going to attack...not yet. He could smell that these humans had weapons on them. Now that his anger was starting to fade, partially due to his wounds still hurting, some cognitive thought was happening.

Rand seemed almost offended, as if he'd understood what Ali had said. He snorted and hissed in his direction, shifting where he was sitting. His stomach was starting to grumble again.

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Old 02-01-2011, 05:11 AM

Kyle saw Hayden and was sorta glad someone else was cmong with him. He had a feeling Curry was going to be quite a handful. He kept walking, not paying attention to the stares he was getting from Curry. Right now he was focused on getting to the next stop.

Ali head his stomach growl and pulled out the jerky again, offering him some more. However, he knew he would probably prefere raw meat. Ali turned to Jessica, handing her the jerky. "Here, feed him. I'll be back with something for him. Ali grabbed his bag, walking away. He was hunting for any kind of meet or animal. The tank had already cleaned out the meat factory.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-01-2011, 05:16 AM

Curry was moving rather slowly, considering how fast his breed usually traveled. This was probably because of his wounds--they still ached. He was panting as he moved and had to slow down quite a few times. He was weak, but not helpless...those arms were not as injured as the rest of his body was.

Rand was quick to gobble up the rest of the jerky, not minding when it switched from Ali's hand to Jessica's hand. Once he realized it was a different human in front of him, though, his guard immediately went up and he fixed her with a wary stare. It seemed that because Ali was the one to directly help him nearly this whole time he held more trust for him.

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Old 02-01-2011, 05:27 AM

Hayden noticed this and nudged Kyle. "Um, I think we should take a break." Kyle ooked back at Curry. "Alright." He then stopped, sitting down, however he rested his leg on something sharp, which made him wince. "Ow...Damn it..." Hayden moved over, seeing his right pant leg getting stained with blood. "Aw man dude. How did you not see that shard of glass there. You moron."

Jessica blinked when Rand got catious. She held up her hands as if surrendering. "Easy, I'm not going to hurt you." To be honest, she was scared. She was alone, except for Rand, but she feared he would try to hurt her. Meanwhile, Ali was walkign around with a knife, following a rabbit. It wasn't going to be much, but it would do. He was waiting for the right moment to strike.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-01-2011, 05:30 AM

That had not been a good move. The moment Curry smelled the blood his nostrils flared out, searchingly. Tanks were beasts when it came to food and ate almost their entire body weight in food a day. They ate literally anything, but meat was their favorite food. Curry growled, shifting where he was standing. It was hard for him to get up when he sat down at any given time, so he usually just stayed standing. He was drooling--the scent of blood was driving him mad.

Rand smelled the blood as well and it drove him into a quiet frenzy--he drooled, but he didn't move. The jerky had sated him for the moment.

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Old 02-01-2011, 05:42 AM

Hayden bent down to pull the piece of glass from his leg. When he did Kyle let cried out in pain. It hurt worse when taking it out. "Damn it. Hurry and tie up my wound! If he finds out I'm the one who is beeding, he'll kill me.... " He whispered the last part. Hayden set down the glass and then pulled up his pant leg, wrapping the wound with gauze. However the scent of blood was attracting other zombies. Not the special kind but still dangerous.

Jessica sat there. Oblivious to what was going on. Zombies where headed her way, but she didn't know. She was waiting for Ali desperatly. "So...Rand..." She didn't know what to do, so she decided to make him some medicine. She did and it turned intoa green liquid. It was suppose to cure infections. She wasn't sure if it would cure this kind, but she knew it would make him feel a little better. She placed the bowl to his lips, tilting it upwards for him to drink.


((heading to bed))

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-01-2011, 05:46 AM


Curry inched his way slowly toward the scent of the blood. He noticed that other zombies were beginning to shuffle into the area--he smelled them--but they did not see the humans yet so they weren't attacking. He could smell no Specials like himself in the air.

Rand turned his head away at first, but he eventually accepted the offered medicine, thinking it might be a drink to soothe his sore throat. Thankfully the taste was not bitter to him and he didn't spit it out like he would have any other kind of bitter medicine..

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Old 02-01-2011, 12:34 PM

Kyle then moved to his feet. "Okay, new plan, no break..." Even though the wound was covered now, his pant leg was still soaked with blood. Hayden grabbed the bag, putting it on his shoulder. "I wish we hadn't split up, now Ihave to carry your weight and the others." He complained. "No Hayden. Just cause I was cut, it doesn't mean I'm nonfuctional."

Jessica smiled when he finally accepted the drink. "Ah, you see." She giggled some. Not so worried anymore. Meanwhile, Ali had managed to track and kill the rabbit, and was currently on his way back. However he stopped when he heard shuffeling. He hid behind a tree for a moment and saw them. "No..." He soon ran back to Jessica and Rand. Worried something had happened.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-02-2011, 06:23 AM

Curry paused suddenly in his shuffling around, listening to something in the distance. Tanks were usually just overridden with anger but they paid close attention to their surroundings--they could spot and smell Survivors from quite a ways away. He heard something in the distance...something eerily familiar...

Whatever Curry was hearing, Rand was hearing it as well. He did smell the rabbit--it made him drool a little bit more--but whatever that sound was seemed to be distracting him even more. He suddenly sniffed the air, hoping to confirm his suspicions. He wondered if any of the Survivors had something sweet on them...sweet, sugary things tended to lure in a certain kind of Special Infected...

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Old 02-02-2011, 12:25 PM

Kyle began walking again along with Hayden who stuck close to Kyle. Hayden had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. However he didn't want to alert Kyle without it being true. So he kept it to himself. For now anyway. Kyle, however was oblivious for the moment. Focused on getting out of the open.

ALi soon appeared from the trees. "Jessica, get everthying together." Jessica blinked, seeing the rabbit and covered her mouth. Ali put the rabbit down for a moment so he could get his bag. He then lowered himself so Rand could climb on his back. "Other zombies are headed this way. They must smell blood. Did you get hurt?" Jessica shook her head. "What if Kyle or Hayden..." Ali looked at her and said. "We need to go."

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-03-2011, 06:25 AM

Curry sniffed idly and then paused. Humans were such idiots...they were heading in the direction of the Crier. Personally, Curry hated Criers, as he himself called them. He thought they were weak, stupid little fools. They couldn't even communicate properly. Deciding to be gentlemanly for once, Curry sped up and shifted in front of the humans, blocking their way and grunting irritably. He pointed in the opposite direction, which would lead them back to the rest of the their group and away from the impending threat. Criers were not to be messed with.

Rand made no move to crawl onto Ali's back. He was too busy sniffing around, curiously. He dug his nose into one of Ali's pockets and pulled out what he knew would be useful if the crying one came close enough. A single sweet sticky bun.

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Old 02-03-2011, 12:18 PM

Kyle and Hayden stopped. "What?" Hayden called out. Kyle watched him for a moment and soon got the message. "I guess we should regroup with the others...Whatever is ahead, Curry isn't too fond of it." Hayden studied him for a moment before turning around, as well as Kyle, walking back towards the others. "We'll do it your way this time Curry." Kyle commented.

Ali waited to feel his weight shift on his back, but never did, instead he felt something being pulled from his pocket. He turned with a confused look on his face as well as Jessica. "Can he even eat sweets?" She asked. Ali only shrugged.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 03:02 AM

As Curry began to lead them back towards safety, considering there was safety in numbers, a faint but clearly audible sound could be heard in the whatever was making it was following them. It was the sound of soft, pathetic crying...sobbing, almost. It almost sounded like someone was in great distress, based on how depressing those wails were.

Curry was not fooled. The source of those cries was not a helpless little thing...

Rand could also hear the crying. He sniffed and then shoved the sticky bun, still wrapped, into Ali's hands. It would be a useful weapon in the crying one got too close.

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Old 02-07-2011, 01:09 AM

Hayden stopped. "Do you head that?" Kyle stopped as well. "Crying...but I thought we were the only ones within miles of here..." He asked, confused. Hayden shrugged. "Stay here, I'm going to check it out." Kyle said. He had a feeling it was a trap, but still had to make sure. He walked towards the sound.

Jessica blinked, looking around. "I hear something..." However , in the distance she saw Kyle, Hayden, and the other infected. She sighed in relief, they were okay, but she wondered where kyle was going. Ali looked over. It was hard to tell, but it was Kyle and them. Ali sighed, placing the sticky bun back in his pocket. "C'mon, get on my back." He said once more.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-07-2011, 02:55 AM

Curry followed Kyle at once, wondering where in the world the human was going. He could only assume that they had not encountered many Specials such as himself before in their travels...any seasoned Survivor would know what that crying meant.

Around the corner was a small land-bridge...beneath it appeared to be where the crying was originating from.

Beneath the bridge there was a small, pale figure leaning against the stone wall. It wasn't clear whether this was a man or a woman. It had curly blonde hair that was somewhat flat, perhaps from days of having not been tended to. It was hard to find running water in this day and age. His shoulders were shaking slightly as it cried. There was an odd reddish sort of light emanating from around him...perhaps he was holding a flashlight or a candle, or something to stay warm...?

Rand growled, looking frustrated, and reached out to once again snatch up the sticky bun from Ali's pocket. He held it out again, more if to say 'Hold it. Keep it out.' The reasoning for this was quite good, but one that was probably unknown to the humans.

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Old 02-07-2011, 03:31 AM

Kyle stopped. He had a feeling he shouldn't approach. The feeling was stronger, seeing that Curry followed. Kyle looked up at him, sighing. Kyle was usually a sweet heart. Before this, he would help anyone in need, and was too trusting, and even now he was. He walked down toward the crying person under the bridge. "Excuse me...are you okay?" He kept his distance though.

Ali looked at him before taking it from his hand. "Okay, I won't put it in my pocket." He held onto it. Jessica blinked in confusion. "Maybe we'll need it...just keep it out for now. See what happens." She suggested.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-07-2011, 03:37 AM

The person heard him approach. He left out a soft gasp and his head turned so he could peer over his shoulders. ...The red glowing was coming from his eyes. They were a glowing red inhuman color...

There was silence for a split second before the boy began to make soft, irritated-sounding growling noises that grew louder with each passing second. He started to turn around, and his arms began to stick straight out from his sides. His fingers couldn't even be called fingers anymore...they were foot-long, sharpened black claws. They looked deadly and like they could cut through skin and bone with a single swipe.

The volume of his growling started to reach a fever pitch. He didn't like having the human so close to him.

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Old 02-07-2011, 04:44 AM

Kyle's eyes widened. "Shit." He backed away, pulling a gun from the side pocket in his bag, He hated guns, but he couldn't die. Not yet. He ha to overcome this. He was a terrible aime, so when he shot, he would be suprised if it even grazed him. However he didn't stop to check, once he shot it, he ran away from it.

Ali stood up. "Shit, what's going on? Jessica stay here." Jessica nodded, watching as he ran off, reapeating the same to Hayden as he ran passed him. Hyaden moved over to Jessica. "This is bad." Fear gripped Jessica. She was scared something bad was happening. Jessica stood to follow, but hayden grabbed her arm. "Jessica, no..."

Last edited by X3_iRawr_X3; 02-07-2011 at 04:47 AM..

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 02-07-2011, 04:49 AM

Whatever the creature was, it screamed. The bullet had passed right by him, completely missing but almost grazing his shoulder. He threw his arms forward, just missing the human as he ran off. He screamed again and chased after him, directly on his tail. He was fast...very fast. Those arms were outstretched as he chased the human, the sounds of his infuriated screams ripping through the air.

The Common Infected that had started approaching, smelling the blood, immediately began to back off. The anger of this creature was something they did not want to incur.

Curry stayed where he was, looking uninterested in what was happening. The human had invoked the fear of the crying he had to deal with it.

It was in Rand's blood to dislike the crying creatures. He pulled himself to his feet, wincing and yelping as he tried to walk. He slowly approached Ali where he was, noticing that he had yet to put away the sticky bun. He screeched hoarsely, pointing to it with a clawed hand.

Sugar. Sugary sweets were something that consoled the crying ones...

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Old 02-07-2011, 05:20 AM

Kyle turned, and shot at it again. He wasn't sure what to do. He wans't much of a fighter He just wanted to help the one who was crying. He didn't know what he did wron, however, as he turned to run againm, he noticed he had stopped. He blinked, turning towards him.

Ali looked at Rand when he approached. "What the hell? Why are you walking? You--" He stopped arguing when he found out what Rand was trying to do. Ali looked at the sticky bun and nodded. He began to approach the one who was crying, getting between him and Kyle. Slowly he held out the sticky bun, offering it to him.

Jessica reached to grab Rand, when he tried to walk away, but he seemed determined, so she backed off.


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