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Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 03-16-2010, 06:57 PM

((Lol i would post but im asleep... What can i post while asleep? Any ideas?))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 03:35 PM

((A nightmare? >_> They certainly have the right to be innerly tortured by this whole event. *shudder* I just had a freakish dream about zombies last night myself. Needless to say, I'm real tired. :XD))

Reaver Darkside
Reaver Darkside is offline
Old 03-22-2010, 02:04 PM

[(Forgive me.
My laptop's logic board fried, so I have very little internet. I just managed to get online now.)]

"Yes, we can all serve it up from there. That will be fine. There's bowls on the shelf beside the freezer." He says, before slowly turning the burner off and flipping the meat one more time. He glanced over at those that are sleeping and shakes his head slowly, they would need to wake if they planned to eat. But because of these kinds of events they didn't have much luck for waking someone in as deep of a sleep as they were. He shrugs slightly, if they awoke they did, that was about it to it. He chuckles a little to himself and awaits the bowls to be brought over, so he could dish out the food. Sliding the knife cleanly through the meat to make even portions for all of them, just in case they did happen to awaken.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Something like that.." She pants, slowly rising to her feet and managing to reload her pistol before grabbing for anything she may have dropped in the scuffle. Looks like she wasn't one with the best sort of luck, but it seemed she still could survive. She hadn't been bitten or anything, just a little bruised from being thrown around. "We should keep moving. More may come." She says with a frown, before slowly beginning to move back out into the hall. It was one of those bad days, that was for sure. And she was worried, that thing could come back.

[(Not very good posts. I'm running low on time.)]

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 09:27 PM

((Its cool... Ive been in florida for a week so heres a post for a nightmare that will prolly wake up Cora))

Cora had been laying soundlessly listenng in on the other twos conversation. It let her drift to the much needed sleep. Unfortunately the images that came up scared her. It was a nightmare of sorts.

She was back at the beginning with her friends before everything had happened. They were celebrating her birthday. The only day that she had a party. It was the first time in all her years of living but her friends insisted on it. There were so many guests. That same day was the day where the zombie case had broken out. The fence that surrounded her backyard had so many people climbing over them. It was covered. These people had blood all over and their faces looked blank. She and her friends had run inside while most of the guests got ripped apart of attacked. They saved as many as they could before closing the door on those who had been jumped. One of her friends locked the front door, remembering that it hadnt been locked. Cora was watching as her family and friends that were stuck outside were eaten and then passed over after they were dead. She ran upstares and grabbed a bunch of guns from her fathers gun case. He had a collection of everything from when he was in the military. When she headed downstairs she wasnt in her house anymore. It was the subway system where the rest of her friends had died

Cora shifted endlessly from the nightmare where she lay. A cold sweat had started but she wasnt able to wake up from the dream. She couldnt. It was too horrifying and her body had shut down already. Her muscles burned as she tried and failed at waking up.

In the subways station her friends were being picked off by a ton of zombies while she snipped them out. She had to jump down from her hiding place for which her friends had told her to hide and snipe all the zombies from while they yelled and screamed trying to get the zombies attention. The one friend that had gotten away started the countdown to the bombs he had had on his person. He collapsed where he was. Cora ran up to him and tried to help but he refused it and told her to run. So she did.

Tears rolled down her face from where she lay. Finally still, she just held on to the bag she had had with her with the tightest grip in the world. The face of her friend was plastered onto the back of her eyelids for which she was still unable to open.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 09:43 PM

Vance grabbed the bowls that the other man indicated, and set them on the counter. He was about to serve himself some food when he saw Cora as she struggled in her sleep. Zoey, who could sleep through anything, was still snoring lightly. Narrowing his eyes, the male moved to stand beside Cora, kneeling and shaking her shoulder somewhat brusquely.
"Hey," he said, trying to wake her. "Wake up."

Reno nodded, his green eyes filled with apprehension. "Going," he repeated, rolling the shoulder he'd used to keep the undead away from his new companion. Still breathless, the youth continued to follow the woman. He was suddenly reminded that he'd been shot just the other day. His hand flew up to his shoulder as he felt the bandage loosen; it was bleeding again.
Letting out a soft hiss of pain, Reno caught up with his new friend. "Don't freak out," he muttered, brushing his bright red hair away from his face, "but I'm hurt."

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 09:57 PM

Cora felt someting on her shoulder. She turned in the dream to see a zombie touching her. It was about to bite her neck when she jumped and awoke from her sleep. She picked her head up to look at the man who had just awaken her. She put her head back down on the ground and covered her eyes with her hands. Her breathing was finally slowing down when she turned to speak. Unfortunately nothing came out. She closed her mouth and sat up from where she was. Finally she felt the words form after looking down and holding onto her knees. She wasnt going to cry but it was a reaction she always had after a nightmare. "Sorry..." She said. It was the only word that came to her mind. She thought about it a little more and spoke some other words to say what had happened. "It was just a nightmare.... Thanks for waking me."

Reaver Darkside
Reaver Darkside is offline
Old 03-29-2010, 01:29 PM

"Well, that was an unexpected fright.." Lucifer mutters, as he moves over and places equal amounts of meat into the bowls that had been chosen. Or at least as equal as he could manage, then dishes out the remainder of the meals into the bowls as well. Though he spoke, recognizing the nightmare that she had had, he didn't look up or actually physically acknowledge the reaction that was taking place across the room. His gaze settled on the bowls of food as he takes two and walks over to Cora and Vance. "Here you go. Eat up, and then both of you try to get some rest. I'll take first watch, even though things may appear safe.. They aren't always." Turning and walking back across the room, he draws a folding chair out from behind the freezer, and then grabs his own bowl and another form, setting himself down against the wall and beginning to eat. His rather gray eyes passing across the room, to look between doorways as he silently eats.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You're what?!" She says, spinning around and bringing the gun to his head in a seconds notice. Her eyes wild with a mixture of fear and anger reflecting off her darkening green eyes. She was fully prepared for the worst outcome, he had been bitten or something by a zombie, and needed to be taken out before he changed. That was life, now a days. People would be killed all the time for something less then a scratch. At this moment she was sure she herself had been scratched, though she was too afraid to actually check. Her mad gaze trailing across the male to look upon his wound, not even caring what kind of wound it may be, she would kill him. He better think fast, she wouldn't think at all, it was easier not to think when it came to these sorts of things.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 03-29-2010, 07:00 PM

Cora took the food that was given to her and started to eat up. It had been days since she had got an even close to decent meal like this one. The skeptism she thought that the other man had in his voice was a little nerve racking but then again so was getting chased by a tone of zombies and watching your friends blow up because of them. It was just something she had to get use to. A good nights rest was something she needed but she knew that it would only result in a reaccuring nightmare. The same one she had just had in fact. She watched the man take up a folding chair and get in position to take a watch shift. "Thanks for the food" She said as she leaned up against the wall next to her.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-08-2010, 04:30 PM

((Delay . . is bad. :XD *apologizes profusely*))

Vance accepted the food, and merely nodded at Cora. He sat where he was before eating, and when he finished, he waited for Cora to do the same before offering to take her bowl to the kitchen.
"What did you dream about?" he asked quietly, finding the long silence to be rather awkward.

Reno raised a hand, flinching. "Hey!" he started, turning his face away from the gun. "I wasn't from the dead guys, alright!" He reached forward and pushed her wrist to aim the gun in another direction. "I was shot!" His green eyes met hers, and fear lanced through them - but he stood his ground. "If you're gonna shoot me, at least wait until I'm not looking."

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 04-09-2010, 12:43 AM

Cora finished her food and looked at the other two. The other took her bowl and put it in the kitchen. He then turned and asked her what she had been dreaming about. She looked at him confused then to the ground. "The day the zombies invaded. It was my birthday and my friends had thrown a party for me. We were in the middle of it when the Zombies attacked. Its hard to believe but we had to leave a couple people out there to become one of them as me and my friends closed up the house. People were screaming and we had let in as many people as we could before a zombie came around. I went up and grabbed my dads guns, loading them and handing them between the people. We had to watch as our loved ones were ripped apart, including most of my family. It was either that or look around the house to defend it but thats hard when theres so many pictures of your family around."

She shifted where she was sitting. "The dream changed to right before I found all of you. The subway system. The Zombies found our hide out and decided they were going to attack it. We were completely out numbered and had made a ton of bombs just incase this happened. Half my friends were taken down with the first wave. The rest of us started to move away from the second one. The rest of my friends were killed except one. That one friend was fataly wounded and started the countdown for the bombs. I went to help him but he told me to run after he collapsed. I did what he said and the place exploded while i was just enough distance away and there had been another horde of Zombies who had come down that way.... Thats what i dreamt." She said making sure she didnt choke or start to cry.

BrutalBarbieDoll is offline
Old 04-13-2010, 12:24 PM

Cadynce sighed as she hid in an old house. She had taken the liberty to fix it up and to board up all openings. She had too many run-ins with the zombies and with death itself.
"They said we'd be safe. That it would never reach us... Well, they were wrong and my family paid the heavy price," she mumbled to herself as she walked up the steps. She had checked every area of this house for flaws and weaknesses. Where there were some, she fixed it but she knew that she would have to rely on her wits to get out of here, alive and not undead.

Last edited by BrutalBarbieDoll; 04-14-2010 at 12:13 PM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-16-2010, 05:49 PM

((Welcome! :D We might have some action going on nearby with Reno and his little friend, so keep an ear open. ;)

Here I would like to ask everyone (I know, it's a bit late) to come up with at least a picture and name sort of character sheet for me to post on the first page of the RP. It's hard to keep track of what everyone looks like. :lol:))

Vance stayed silent as Cora spoke, and then awkwardly reached forward to place a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, his brown eyes flickering away from her. For a few moments, he was silent . . . and then his hand fell back to his side. "Are you still tired?" Not that there was much for them to do, but still. It was worth asking.

Last edited by Esmme; 04-17-2010 at 05:35 AM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
Send a message via AIM to Daeman35 Send a message via Yahoo to Daeman35
Daeman35 is offline
Old 04-16-2010, 06:11 PM

((Sweety they just ate lmao
Sure ill get a skele going for ya))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-17-2010, 05:34 AM

((:XD Totally forgot. -_-' I'll fix that. :oops:))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 04-19-2010, 01:02 AM

Cora looked at the man as he placed a hand on her shoulder."Its ok... It basically happened to everyone right? I mean almost everyone is dead and walking around just like that." The man dropped his hand during the silence between them. Then he spoke asking if she was tired. "yeah just a little. Having a nightmare doesnt really give you much rest." She laid back down and looked at him. "im sorry about anyone that youve lost. I really am"

BrutalBarbieDoll is offline
Old 04-19-2010, 12:03 PM

((Where is everyone right now? I can have Cadynce become too paranoid to stay by herself.))


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