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The spandex'd wonder!
AgentKaz is offline
Old 05-09-2009, 12:26 AM

Rock band? Played out. Punk band? It's been done. Ska band? Now we're talkin'!

And to top off the craziness (Madness?) we'll add some zombies! Sound like fun? Yeah!

Story? All this, and you want a story? Okay, here's a story.

It happened one day, no warning, no nothing. The zombies just up and attacked. Don't ask me how it happened, it just did. One day, nice and sunny, the next day, dark and dead.

But it isn't completely dead. There's still a good amount of living people around. They managed to contain the whole dead guy problem... almost. Some zombies ended up remembering exactly who they were, so they keep thinking. They need food, they just go eat one of the idiot dudes walled up outside. Might taste nasty, but it works.

The zombie thing has the world's top scientists baffled. All they can say is that they think the smart zombies had some kind of immunity that kept their brains working. The "intels" don't suffer from most of the problems the stupid zombies have; as though frozen in time, they rot only slightly, with a touch of rigor mortis, but otherwise operate as if they were still human. That is, except for the instinctual hunger. Heck, they can even breathe. Not that they usually need to. Experiments are still under way, but so far no answers.

So anyways, people are trying to go about their daily lives, zombies or no zombies. But most people just are trying to live things up before they kick the bucket.

So The Skadavers, a ska band before the whole dead guy thing, is now dead, thanks to their sax player, and now their humorous ska-pun name is even more relevant. But they refuse to quit. Seven dead people crammed into an old RV, touring the small venues of the country, playing shows to the people who can still enjoy music. How's it work? What, you think I'm psychic? It doesn't make sense? So what if it defies all the "rules"? That's their favorite pastime.

Unlike many of the thinking zombies, these guys think eating people is hilarious, although they don't really eat humans, they just pretend. So, of course, out come the zombie hunters. Like most human bands, The Skadavers have their fans and haters, but they're still goin' strong. Can they make it? How'm I supposed to know, dummy?!



TYPE 1: (Intel) Type one zombies are basically just dead humans. They retain all of their human traits, although some brain damage may exist, causing slight memory problems. Type one zombies are very skilled at handling their hunger.

TYPE 2: (Intel-2) Type two zombies are just like type ones, except they have no way of communicating with humans. Type twos can converse only in the language of groans that all zombies instinctively know.

TYPE 3: (Moron) Type three zombies have much more brain damage than the other types. They give in to their hunger much more and can barely communicate with other zombies. Food is their main goal.

Last edited by AgentKaz; 05-09-2009 at 12:32 AM..

The spandex'd wonder!
AgentKaz is offline
Old 05-09-2009, 12:27 AM


Read them all. If you don't comply, you will be kicked out posthaste. (Yeah, cool word, I know.)

1. You can't control anyone else's character. You can't kill anyone off without permission. That's what NPCs are for. (Characters that you add for the purpose of killing or whatever. Not actually player characters.) Any attempts at killing someone's character without permission WON'T work.

2. Please, be literate. I don't mean million-paragraph posts or fancy adjectives that nobody's ever heard before, I mean in spelling and grammar and whatnot. No chatspeak, 1337speak, or anything like that. Please, capitalize things that should be capitalized, and TRY to spell things right. I don't mind typos, or little spelling errors. I mean, I'm a really bad speller myself, and everyone makes mistakes. So, a few typos are okay, but no spelling "you" as "u" or substituting "4" for "for". You get me? I wanna understand what you're saying.

3. Also, please type character actions, etc. in third person form. Any dialogue should be in quotation marks. Example: Jim-Bob blew his nose and threw the tissue out the window. "Take that, Mr. Establishment!" he shouted as someone from the floor above him dropped a water balloon on his head.

4. Out of character posts should be in double parentheses ((It's a secret technique passed down from generations of chicken nugget farmers)) or brackets. [[I IS A ROBOT]] Or these thingies, if you wanna be fancy. {{I bite my thumb at you!}}

5. Humans and zombies. No vampires or whatever. I'm a big fan o' supernatural creatures (except for sparklepires), but this RP is just about humans and zombies. You can be a human, an intel (smart zombie) or a moron (usual kind of zombie).

6. NO CYBERING! Regular old romance is fine (kissing, holding hands, and the like), but nothing majorly hanky-panky! That's against the rules anyway. So I don't expect to see any of that.

7. Be kind, rewind! Wait... I mean, just be kind. If I find you being a jerk, I'll kick you out. Mean people will not be tolerated. And by that I mean the role-players. Characters can be mean, why not?

8. Don't complain about how this isn't "realistic". It's not supposed to be. You want realism, go somewheres else.

9. Fun! We're having fun! This is supposed to be fun! Save the drama for Obama's mama's llama! In fact, please deposit all drama into the proper receptacle before going any further.

10. Long-term, kiddos! If you're planning on leaving the RP, don't join! I want this to be a nice thing where you can come and post a bit, and come back later and post a bit more. Not everybody can be online constantly.

Not following any of these rules will result in severe virtual tongue-lashings, mockery, and/or expulsion from the RP. Take it seriously. Seriously.

The spandex'd wonder!
AgentKaz is offline
Old 05-09-2009, 12:30 AM


Post them bios, 'kay? Fill out the form and POST. Band forms are below, for band members, grab yer specific form and fill it out. For other characters, check out the general form down below that.

{{EL BAND-O!}}

Who's in the band is up to you! Don'tcha feel special?


Character Name:
Race/Species: Intelligent Zombie (Intel or Intel-2)
Appearance: [Description or picture]
Instrument: Vocals
Other info:


Character Name:
Race/Species: Intelligent Zombie (Intel or Intel-2)
Appearance: [Description or picture]
Instrument: Guitar
Other info:


Character Name:
Race/Species: Intelligent Zombie (Intel or Intel-2)
Appearance: [Description or picture]
Instrument: Bass
Other info:


Character Name:
Race/Species: Intelligent Zombie (Intel or Intel-2)
Appearance: [Description or picture]
Instrument: Keyboard
Other info:


Character Name:
Race/Species: Intelligent Zombie (Intel or Intel-2)
Appearance: [Description or picture]
Instrument: Drums
Other info:


Username: AgentKaz
Character Name: Craig Barker
Nickname(s): ---
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Race/Species: Intelligent Zombie (Intel)
Instrument: Sax
Personality: A rather happy-go-lucky guy, Craig sees the whole world as a joke. He's still rather young, so he's still a bit naive about things.
Background: Craig got bitten when his mother sent him out to get milk. Poor dude. Soon after, he decided to go to practice. Then he got hungry. He caused the band to get dead. He's still very sorry about that.
Other info: Can be forgetful sometimes.


Character Name:
Race/Species: Intelligent Zombie (Intel or Intel-2)
Appearance: [Description or picture]
Instrument: Trombone
Other info:


So ya don't want to be in the band. Well what is your problem, dork-on?

Well, if you insist, there are various groups you could find yourself in.

ZOMBIE HUNTERS: These guys fancy themselves badass. Armed with everything from bats to swords to guns, these jerks feel the need to eradicate all zombies. Most of them mistrust the thinkers and end up killing them too.

FANS: Surprisingly, the band's built up quite a cult following in the short amount of time since the zombie problems. The internet's still up and running so many a music site and zombie blog chronicle their adventures. Humans and intels alike love to go to their super-gory politically incorrect shows.

REPORTERS: It ain't every day you run into a zombie ska band (or maybe it is!). Oddly enough (?), the media wants a piece of this too. Apparently, it's the news that sells. Go figure.

Character Name:
Race/Species: [Human? Zombie?]
Appearance: [Description or picture]
Other info:

The spandex'd wonder!
AgentKaz is offline
Old 05-09-2009, 12:32 AM

((All righty! Let's get this partay started! First time not on Gaia, hope it works out better here!))

In a garage in the middle of a sort-of wasteland, on an old folding chair, sat a dead body. A dead body that just happened to be tapping his foot in boredom.

This dead body was Craig Barker, a fifteen-year-old saxophone player, who, like always, was too early. Even being dead wasn't going to stop him, although he really wondered why he always felt the need to be so early, 'cause he had to wait a lot.

Death had really slowed the dude down, but it was okay now, 'cause he had wheels. Propped up in a corner of the garage next to his sax case was a nice gently used Segway he had 'borrowed' from one of the stupid zombies. Hey, that guy wasn't using it.

The cops had tried to stop the looting, for a little while, until they realized they could get themselves some nice big-screen TVs and stereo systems. In fact, the cops had pretty much walked off the job. As long as the morons were kept out of the city, the smart zombies and the humans had an unwritten agreement that they'd stay out of each other's hair. It seemed to be working.

But back to Craig. Everyone was to gather in their usual practice place, the singer's garage, to go over some stuff before they left. Craig wished the others would be excited enough to come over early too, but he'd been waiting a while. He hoped they weren't still mad at him about the whole biting everyone thing.

Finally he got too bored to keep watching, so he took an old blue GameBoy Color out of his pocket and lost himself in the world of Dragon Warrior Monsters.


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