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The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-25-2011, 03:36 AM

PLOT: A Hunter and a Tank have been viciously fighting over territory for days. Their quarreling has halted the progress of a group of Survivors, seeing as this territory borders the only way out of a safe house and to the possibility of rescue a few miles away. When the Survivors wake up one morning, they find the Hunter, gravely injured, by the safe house door. They must decide what to do with him, seeing as the irate Tank is still lurking outside.


Name: Rand Ferréol
Age: Nineteen
BEFORE Infection:

AFTER Infection:

Name: Curry Kaiser
Age: Twenty-Four
BEFORE Infection:

AFTER Infection (but still has his long hair) :

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Old 01-25-2011, 12:27 PM


Name:Ali ???
Age: Twenty-Five

Name: Kyle Hurley
Age: Nineteen

Name:Jessica Joan
Age: Seventeen

Name: Hayden Dieved
Age: Seventeen
(Sorry it took awhile. My computer wasn't working with me. Haha)

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Old 01-26-2011, 03:22 AM

"C'mon guys. You gotta move faster. Do you want to become a zombie and like. Well, die?" Said the blonde boy named Kyle. Before all of this Kyle was a freshman in college. His life was average and so were his grades. Now he with three complete strangers. Well, they are not so much strangers anymore.

"Can we slow down? My feet are killing me!" Whine a seventeen year old boy with purplish hair. His name was Hayden. He was a stubborn, and immature boy. He was a prankster back at his highschool. He was the best. He was half spanish and half american. That explained his last name.

"Oh shut up, you complain too much." Said the fiesty girl named Jessica. Jessica was sort of a nerd back in school, but yet she was not treated like a normal nerd because of her family's upper class status. However it wasn't like she was a spoiled brat. She was very independed, but since the attack, she has become more dependent. She doesn't like it, but she has no choice.

Then there was the tall silent red head. His name was Ali. His background is a mystery. He keeps himself cut off from the rest of the group. However, before this, he was living alone, raising his younger sister who he has no idea where she is or if she is even still alive now. "Hey, look." He pointed to something that resembled a shed. "We can take shelter there." He suggested.

The group nodded in agreement and they all huddled into the shed. As everyone got comfortable, being the oldest, Ali kept watch. Looking out of the dirty and cobwebed covered windows.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-26-2011, 03:36 AM

The world outside was oddly silent, save for the distant soft groans of the Infected. Usually it was only the Common Infected, the rather stupid kind of Infected, that most Survivors came across. It was rare but not improbable for Survivors to come across any of the Special Infected. Specials were tough, and they were also was a pain when Survivors ran into them.

Unlike the stupid Commons, Specials were very intelligent...most of them, at least. They had a sense of self-preservation and would wait in hiding, even, for the perfect chance to strike. Many Survivors would be unable to react in time. It was wise not to travel alone just because of these particular Infected.

This area seemed almost completely devoid of life. There were few Commons around, even--they were as unintelligent as rocks, so only a major threat would be enough to drive them away.

The major threat made itself clear around two in the morning. The silence was suddenly shattered by a cacophony of territorial screams. They were easily recognized as the screams of the Special Infected Survivors called 'The Hunter.' It was a nasty hooded Infected that held qualities of a human, feline, and canine all mixed into one. It traveled mostly on all fours but could walk on its two legs. They pounced on people and tore them to shreds, and then whisked their new meal away to their nests once they were done.

Those screams were soon followed by loud bellows, and the ground started to shake. One of the most fearsome Special Infected to run into, especially if one was alone, was a Tank. It was huge and nothing but was built to kill, not to infect. At the first glance of a Survivor, it would charge and attack. The appearance of a Tank often drove most Infected, even Specials, away from the area.

The ground shook more around the Survivors' little shed until a small, dark body bounded out of the nearby forested area. It was a Hunter, and he looked pissed. He was snarling and pounding the ground with his hands, egging on the beast that charged out of the forest after him. The Tank didn't even stop to growl--it bellowed and chased after the Hunter, trying to pound it into the ground with its giant fists. The two played this game of cat and mouse relentlessly, and they seemed to ignore the Survivors.

It seemed that they were fighting over territory...why a lone Hunter would take on a Tank without backup was unknown. He must have been insane...a Tank could kill him with just a few swipes of those fists of his.

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Old 01-26-2011, 12:10 PM

The group remained silent and protected in their little shed for awhile, however, one they heard those screams, the ones who had shut their eyes to rest them, had shot up and no longer worried about rest. "What was that?" Whispered the Jessica girl. Ali moved over to the window to see if he could see what was going on. In the distance he saw something, however it was clear to him once the ground started to shake.

Those who were not as balanced ended up falling on the ground, however, they stayed like that due to Ali's orders. Ali watched. He wasn't sure what to do. He could tell they were both infected. To be honest the big one freaked him out the most. He could probably squash Ali like a bug. However they didn't seem to noitce them at all.

He staredt to wonder why they were fighting.He thought they only went after survivors like them. Was it territory. It sure did seem like it. Ali decided to duck down, and remain on the ground with the rest of the group, and wait till it was over. Maybe they will both kill each other and they wouldn't have to worry about anything.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-27-2011, 02:44 AM

The Hunter didn't seem to be able to do much damage to the giant mass of muscle chasing him. The Tank was blind with rage and intent on crushing the smaller Infected with his giant fists. He resembled an over-sized gorilla with barely any hair.

The two continued to fight, paying the potential meals nearby no mind. Finally, a rough swing of the Tank's huge arm caught the Hunter off guard. He was sent flying through the air, the wind knocked out of him...directly towards the Survivors' shed. The poor thing was slammed into it with brute force--a few sickening cracks could be heard even from inside the shed. He then fell limply to the ground, not moving a muscle.

Feeling the threat was extinguished, the Tank snorted and headed back into his forested home, leaving the Hunter for dead. The shaking of the ground diminished as the big Infected left.

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Old 01-27-2011, 03:10 AM

Jessica was honestly terrified the whole time. She was clinging to Kyle, who was the closest. When she heard something hit the shed she let out a small scream before she heard the cracks of bones, and she felt sick.

Ali waited till it got quiet. He looked out the window, seeing the infected leave. Only one? Ali held out a hand as if to tell them to stay here. He slowly walked out, looking around, soon seeing the hunter by the shed. "Oh my god." This is the first time he has seen one up close without it trying to kill him.

When Ali sad that, the other three came out. Hayden blinked. "Is it alive?" He tapped it with his shoe and Jessica pinched him. "Don't do that. He might still be alive and kill us because you woke him you moron." Hayden stuck out his tounge. Kyle leaned down. "He stilll has some appearance of a human. Sure doesn't smeel like one. Gross." He commented before standing back up.

Ali sighed. "So what should we do with him..." Jessica thought for a moment. "Is it possible for a Zombie to regain his or her human form?" Hayden rolled his eyes. "Don't be stupid." "No, but maybe we can make him an ally, if he's alive. And if he doesn't try to kill us when we wake.

Ali nodded. "Sounds like and idea...But if he trys to attack any of us, we kill him" They all nodded in agreement.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-27-2011, 03:14 AM

The Hunter was fading in and out of consciousness. He was very still and couldn't move. He felt awful pains in his ribs and in a few places on his back...and one of his legs looked like it was terribly mangled and would need immediate medical attention.

He didn't have the strength to open his eyes, even when he felt something hard collide with his side. No noise made its way out of his throat. The only sign that he was alive was that his sides were moving up and down, rather slowly though. He heard a jumbled mass of sounds coming from above him, around him. But he couldn't understand them, and his brain was already busy processing the pain that was jolting through his body.

He waited inevitably for whatever was making the noise around him to kill him. He thought the Tank from before would kill him instantly...why hadn't he finished the job?

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Old 01-27-2011, 12:10 PM

Ali then moved over and then pulled him up, making him sit up straight and then pulled him by the shed so he had something to lean against. "Well that other infect sure did do some damage." He pointed out. He was no doctor, but he knew a little about survival. He grabbed four sticks, two for each leg. He put two on either side of his leg and then wrapped it up tightly with cloth from a sheet he found in the shed. He repeated with he other. Of course, that is about all he could do.

Hayden crossed his arms. "I still don't know why we are doing this." Kyle placed a hand on his head. "He has two broken legs. You really think he can hurt us?" He then walked over to Ali. "So I'm guess he is alive. If he wasn't you wouldn't have treated his legs." Ali nodded. "His sides are moving." He pointed out.

Jessica watched the sun go down some. "Guys. we should really get out of the open before it gets dark...I really don't want to be out here when I can't see, Kyle nodded and said. "Alright." They all piled back in the shed, and Ali carried the infected in, leaning him against a wall again. They all sat on the ground, avoiding the windows.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-28-2011, 06:27 AM

The Hunter was too weak to protest as one of the humans worked on possibly attempting to heal his wounds. All he could muster was a soft, barely audible wheeze and some rapid movements of his eyes.

He did manage to let out a startled sort of yelp when he felt one of the humans scoop him up. He didn't know where they were taking him or what they intended to do with him. Though he was frightened and wary, he didn't have the strength to struggle and therefore remained calm.

Throughout the rest of the night the Hunter was silent. He drifted in and out of sleep, uncomfortable with the amount of pain that was still coursing throughout his body. When morning rolled around, however, there were some obvious signs that the Hunter was still alive.

...His stomach began to growl. He was hungry.

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Old 01-28-2011, 11:35 PM

Whn morning came, the first one up in the group was Kyle. Ali has always been up. He didn't sleep much. Kyle blinked when he heard the thing's stomach growled. " wanna get that?" Ali blinked. "What do you even feed someone like him?" Kyle asked. Ali blinked and then pulled out a bag of crackers and then placed it on his lap.

Hayden soon woke up and so did Jessica. "What are you guys doing?" Hayden blinked. "Why are you feeding him our food!" Ali sighed. "Just hush okay. You are loud. That will get us killed in the long run." Hayden grunted and crossed his arms. "Fine..."

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-29-2011, 04:47 AM

When the Hunter was offered the crackers he did not stir, even though his eyes were slitted open. His eyes were cloudy and hazy, and were a deep violet sort of color--it was an odd color, indeed. He didn't seem to react at all to the crackers being waved around in front of his face...

Hunters were like most Infected, save for just one of the breeds of Special Infected. Hunters ate meat...any kind of meat, preferably raw but cooked as well. Anything else would definitely hurt their stomachs and cause illness and even vomiting to occur.

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Old 01-29-2011, 10:33 PM

Ali blinked when the infected opened his eyes. He didn't seem to want the crackers.He then remembered he had some beef jerky. He pulled out a bag of that and then held out a piece towards him. "Um, would you prefere this?"

Hyden sighed. He didn't agree with this at all. Hayden moved over to Jessica who was sitting on a crate. "Aren't you going to say anything?" Jessica shook her head. "The thing can't hurt us, so I don't see the harm. Besides if he does, we have the tools to kill him." Hayden sighed. "Whatever..."

Kyle took the crackers back and said. "So we are going to take him with us to the next destionation?" Ali shrugged. "Depends if he trys to kill us till then. Althought I doubt it considering his condition."

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 03:05 AM

The mere scent of the beef jerky had the Hunter salivating and trying to lean forward to snatch the pieces of jerky out of Ali's hands. He couldn't move too much, unfortunately, and didn't have the strength to take the jerky out of his hands.

He was feeling weak...but he wasn't about to just roll over and die. That human had food. He was starving. Hunters ate a quarter of their body weights or more in food per day.

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Old 01-30-2011, 03:36 AM

Kyle laughed. "Seems like he wants it." Kyle noticed he was having trouble and so did Ali cause he placed te jerky to the Infected's mouth so he could take a bite. Kyle watched this and shook his head some. " Make sure he doesn't bite you instead." He joked some.

Jessica moved over to the guys "Can he like talk?" She asked, placing her hands on her knees, bending down, looking at the infected man. Hayden moved over and sat beside Ali who was helping to feed the infected. Ali sighed. "I don't know. I don't know the answer to everything you know..."

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 03:53 AM

The Hunter greedily ate away at the offered beef jerky, mouth watering. His stomach was sated only after he'd eaten most of the beef jerky--cooked meat was all right, but he couldn't eat too much of it without it making him sick. So, he turned his head away after just a little while, ignoring what little was left of it.

Now that he had eaten and food was mostly off of his mind, his eyes focused on the human that had knelt down in front of him. He seemed a little wary and territorial.

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Old 01-30-2011, 04:04 AM

Ali put the jerky away and looked at him for a moment and then looked around. "Guys back up." Everyone did. "Also, get your stuff together, we are going to leave soon." Jessicam Kyle, and Hayden did what they were told. It didn't take long really. Ali stayed and talked to the infected. "Alright. I just want to let you know, we..." He gestured to everyone. "...are friends. We are about to head out. Will you trust me enough to carry you to our next destionation."

Jessica watched as he did this. He was so calm around him. She knew the others were afraid he would spaz out and kill them.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 04:08 AM

The Hunter didn't seem to understand what Ali was saying to him...not all of it, anyway. He only understood simple words. He was grateful for the space when the other humans backed up, though, and his tense stance was relaxed a little bit. He didn't appear to be able to speak, either.

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Old 01-30-2011, 04:16 AM

Ali sighed some and then stood up. He then held out his hand, trying to show him what he was trying to say. By olding out his hand he asked if he would trst him for awhile. Ali wasn't sure how to communicate with him.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 04:26 AM

The Hunter mistook Ali's gesture for a threatening one. His upper lip lifted up over his slightly sharpened teeth. He growled lowly--it was one of the signature sounds of his particular breed of Infected. He didn't understand. It was too much for him to understand, at this point. He was frightened and territorial.

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Old 01-30-2011, 04:33 AM

The growl made everyone look at him and back up. Ali pulled his hand away. "Sorry." He knelt down till he was eye level with him. Trying to get him to trust him a bit. He felt like he was trying to tame some wile animal.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 04:40 AM

The Hunter didn't understand what the human was trying to do, really. When he leaned down and got in his face, the Hunter growled again. But this time it was more of an uncertain, wary question than a threat. At least it wasn't as violent a reaction as last time...

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Old 01-30-2011, 04:47 AM

Ali moved back just a little. He lowered his head some. "I won't hurt you." He said slowly, hoping he could read his lips. He was trying his best to communicate with him as best as he could.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 05:25 AM

The Hunter sniffed profusely, and he detected the scent of weapons. He knew little of weapons, but he knew that humans often carried around dangerous, explosive sticks that they fired at his kind and that stung terribly. They also tended to carry around sticks that didn't explode--sticks that were shaped differently and were swung at his kind.

He seemed wary of the weapons, and just wary of the people in general...

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Old 01-30-2011, 09:00 PM

Ali sighed, standing up. "This is hopeless. He can't understand me." Kyle moved over. "Well either way, we need to hurry up and get moving." Ali nodded. He then leanded down, picking up the infected male and placing him on his back "Let's go." They soon headed out. Ali wasn't sure why he was bringing him even though he couldn't understand him.


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