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CottonCandy Raccoon
The CottonCandy Coon will come and take over!
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CottonCandy Raccoon is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 03:50 PM

Siennae rocked back and forth on the tree branch before jumping down and landed on the ground. Fixing her dress, she really did want hugs, which was what her dress said. Smiling softly she put her headphones in, blasting her songs on shuffle. Closing her eyes she hugged her friends as she felt like walking around the school for no reason at all. Walking away from the tree she entered the quad. Looking around she spotted the 3 most popular people, Khloё, Sarah, and Caden. She watched them for a second before slipping her sunglasses on. Her eyes remained on Caden, even though he was a popular, he seemed pretty nice.

Wondering about him for a bit, she then walked down the sidewalk, avoiding the eyes as much as she could, walking pasted the three she was looking at before, she kept her head down slightly looking at her ipod as she walked by. Slowly walking down the halls, she soon walked up the steps and into the art room. Smiling at the teach, she knew Mr. Quisling from last year, and he knew her as well. Putting her backpack down behind his desk, she went back outside. Wandering inside the halls, she soon went back outside and into the quad. Leaning against the wall, she looked around. “What if we had no social groupings?” she asked herself softly as she kept her face forward, however her eyes wondered behind the black tinted glasses.