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Sinsue Hoshigo 01-01-2011 11:42 PM

Love Bites (Bellinda and Sinsue ONLY)
Name- Neko Naiya (Neko Ni-ya: Diamond) Also goes by Kitten
Age- 16
Gender- Female
Race- human

Bellinda 01-02-2011 12:08 AM

Name: Kaname Tanaka
Age: Looks to be in his late teens and earily twenties but is around 457 years old
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-02-2011 12:42 AM

Kitten sighed as she walked down the streat talking to one of her friends then frowned some as the girl said she had to get home soon. "Ah! Why do you always have to go home early!" Kitten whined and the girl huffed some. "Cuz my dad doesn't like me to stay out... he thinks that Mike's gonna screw me or something." she frowned then sighed and gave her friend a hug before walking off. "Lovely." Kitten huffed then started walking again and looked ahead then to the sky as she thought. She really didn't want to go to work though she didn't have a choice really. She frowned again as she rounded the corner and started walking to the store that she worked at. It was a nice store though all she had to do was stand at the door and great people then bring carts in if someone took one out of the store. It was already starting to get dark and she wished she could have gotten a different shift... she didn't like her night shift though sense her and her brother were the only ones at the house now she really didn't have a choise about having a job or not... at least she could keep up with school.

(sorry has a bit of a block so this is what I could come up with XP hope it doesn't like really suck )

Bellinda 01-02-2011 12:53 AM

Kaname walks down the same sidewalk as the girl was going in the different way. He wasn't really watching where he was going until he bump shoulder into the girl. He would stop and looks over at the girl "Oh sorry about that I wasn't watching where I was going" says with an british accent. He keeps his hands into his pocket as he was dress like he normal was (Like in the picture) like he was in the army or something. (Its ok I have abit of block myself lol we both will snap out of it soon..brb I have to take an bath)

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-02-2011 01:05 AM

Kitten snaps out of it and blushes some. "Ow no it's okay I wasn't watching where I was going either it's fine no worries." she smiled some sheepishly as she looked at the man. When she looked at him she couldn't believe he even spoke to her... to her he looked hot. She didn't let that show though as she just rubbed the back of her neck a bit imbaresed that she had ran into him. Gosh! Why do I always have to embarase myself like that! Especially infront of such a hot guy!? She whined mentally still blushing a bit.

(it's all good ^^ )

Bellinda 01-02-2011 01:44 AM

Kaname watches her as he stares at her neck licking his lips abit. He smirks gently as he read her thoughts as well and pulls his hand out of his pocket. He hands out to her "Well I can't let you take all the blame miss?" seeing if he could get an name out of her. As he already found his next bite but he didn't want to scary the poor thing then where would he get his meal.

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-02-2011 02:25 AM

"Ow... um Neko Niaya... but I mostly go by Kitten." Kitten blushed some as she took the mans hand shaking it lightly. "What is your name?" she asked softly with a bit on a smile not seeing anything wrong with this man at all... really she was just too destracted at how hot she thought he was. Ow my gosh! His accent makes him even hotter!!! Why would a guy like this even talk to me for more then just appologizing? Ow now I'm glad that Wolfy went ahead and went home... she would be badgering me already. She thought though was still smiling a bit politely.

Bellinda 01-02-2011 02:38 AM

He shakes her hand gently before he leans down and kisses the back of her hand gently. "Its Kaname..its an pleasure to meet you Kitten" looks at him smiles as his fangs would show alittle. Kitten would probbly think they was fake since there was fangs that could be removed or something. He lets go of her hand and place it back into his pocket "So where are you going? I could walk you to there..someone like you shouldn't be alone cause who knows what could happen to you.." says gently watching her abit.

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-02-2011 03:39 AM

Kitten noticed the fangs and wondered about them some though shrugged it off knowing some people liked that. She blushed a bit when he kissed her hand then offered to walk her to work. "Ow... um... I work on the next streat in that small desiners shop." sme smiled some. Ow my gosh!!! He's so hot and he's wanting to walk me to work! This has to be a fluck or a set up or a dream or something! She thought some though didn't let her thoughts show in how she was acting.

(sorry it took me sooo long DX I had several things going at once, like 5 rps to reply to, trying to get a avi art made, and one of my partners is replying like crazy XD )

Bellinda 01-02-2011 03:47 AM

(Its ok I kinda know how that is but on my end you and Kia are the only two that is on that I am rping with and plus I'm fixing up an website of new characters of mine so I keep myself busy)

Kaname nods listening to him "I see well we better go before you are late.." leads her down the sidewalk. He didn't mind how she was acting around him to him it was very cute how she was doing. He brushes some of his hair out of his face while he looks at her. "Come don't want to get fire from standing there just staring at me" chuckles at her.

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-02-2011 03:54 AM

"OW! No no I'm not staring... yeah lets get going... I was actually coming in a bit early today so there's no real rushing." Kitten said blushing some as she looked down. As they started walking she wondered some why it had felt that he had looked at her neck earlier. She just passed it off again though as her imagenation and sighed some.

(sorry it's short... ha ha XD she's my other new rp partner. You have a chara website??? Do you draw or something?)

Bellinda 01-02-2011 04:04 AM

(No I mean characters that are my rping characters you can check it out if you want..I'm not completely done with it Home - My Rping Characters )

Kaname looks around as he would looks at her "Oh..well thats good.." catches another glimse at her neck. As he felt really hungry right now not sure how long he could hold it. He stops for an moment and grabs her by the arm without an word and pulls her into the alley "Shh I won't hurt you but there is someone following me." of course there was someone following him and he knew he would be in trouble and maybe the girl too.

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-02-2011 04:31 AM

Kitten yelped some though quieted when she heard him. "Who?" she whispered feeling worried now. Who would fallow Kaname? Why would someone be fallowing Them?

(ah okay XD sorry it's short has a bit of a block atm XP )

Bellinda 01-02-2011 05:16 AM

He peeks around the corner to see if the person was still coming. "Uhh well its an long story...something I'm sure you don't want to hear." says as he watches the person looking around for him. He looks over at Kitten "Sorry if I am getting you drag into this..but..looks like fate is toying this mess" He heard the person coming closer as he knew this really would scary the girl but he didn't care. He would turn and hits the man in the chest before he kicks him. The man stumbles but regain its balance before tackling Kaname down with a few punches. But Kaname grabs the man's fist and breaks his wrist which was something no human could do before sinking his fangs into the man's neck after breaking it, feeding alittle from the man's blood. He would pushes the man off him and jumps up lucky no one was around to see this except Kitten.

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-02-2011 05:29 AM

Kitten gasped some a slowly took a few steps back. This man... The very hot man.. Was a vampire?! She didn't know what to think... She didn't know what to do. Had he only offered to walk her to work so she could be his next meal? She didn't know though both her mind and her body seemed to have been frozen. She was kinda scared now. What would happen to her? Was he planning on feeding offof her.

(don't foreget they do make that deal so he does have to bite her at some point XP just a reminder)

Bellinda 01-02-2011 05:51 AM

(I know that I'm adding alittle more drama before that happens)

Kaname licks his lips as he runs his finger tips thought his hair before he looks over at Kitten now seeing she knew his secret. He looks down at the body and searches around for some kind of ID. He winces once he touches an cross one in of the male's pocket he curses (can't really say the real word without getting into trouble lol) as he said the f word "He is an vampire hunter.." mumbles. he looks up at Kitten "Well it looks like you found out my secret" as he steps over the corpse and moves closer to her.

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-02-2011 06:10 AM

(ah okay XD lol this should be fun X3 )

Kitten stumbled back and step and was slowly backing away fear slightly showing in her eyes. He had licked his lips some... Yeah... She was his next meal though she couldn't think to do anything more then back away. She couldn't think of words and even if she could her voice seemed lost. This wasn't good and she was terrified he would kill her since she knew his seacret and she knew that he wasn't going to let her get awaywith it.

Bellinda 01-02-2011 11:59 PM

Kaname stops infront of her "I would take another bite but I will spear your life if you would happen to make an deal with me?" says crosses his arms over his chest. He shakes some hair as some falls infront of his left eye while he stares down at the girl.

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-03-2011 12:18 AM

Kitten whimpered some when her back hit the wall and she knew there was no way she could run... like there was ever a way. "What?" she asked willing to do just about anything just so he didn't kill her. Right now she wasn't thinking staight so she would more then likely agrea with anything... even though there was a good chance she would regret it later.

(ow yeah... he can still bite her after they make the deal XD after all she will be like his slave X3 )

Bellinda 01-03-2011 12:29 AM

Kaname moves closer quickly and place both hands on either side of her so that way she couldn't run. And she didn't need to cause he could easily catch her if she tryed. He stares down at her and grins "You will become mine and no one elses..if someone trys to touch you I will kill them without thinking. That is the deal. Take the deal and I will spear your life...refused then I will kill you." says sharply and chuckles. He likes toying with people and this one will be one of his most favorite toys.

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-03-2011 12:39 AM

Kitten trembled some not liking to be cornered like this though nodded right away without giving it much thought. "J-just please don't kill me." she cried some finally finding her voice to beg for her life. She didn't want to die... though she knew later she would more then likely regret her choice. She didn't like this man already and she barely knew him... what if he chose later to kill her anyway?

Bellinda 01-03-2011 09:32 PM

Kaname grins and flashes his fangs at her "Good then the deal is set..your mine" before he grabs her and bite her right on the neck to seal the deal. He pulls her close and holds her close taking a few bits of her blood.

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-03-2011 10:28 PM

Kitten screamed in pain when she felt the neddle sharp fangs peirs her neck and after a few moments she started to feel oddly tired and dizzy. What's to become of me now? She couldn't help but wonder as she started to black out.

Bellinda 01-03-2011 11:04 PM

Once Kitten black out he pulls back before he ends up killing her. He licks his lips watching her and soon sees her cell in her phone. Since Kitten was out he would get her number so he could keep track of her even thought he had her sence. After an while he takes her home didn't really care if she missed work and quietly put her to bed before leaving without an trace.

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-04-2011 12:45 AM

(hm... what now? Say when she wakes up he's actually there? Maybe in another room or something?)

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