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adrestia_poena is offline
Old 04-01-2014, 12:22 AM

"there are few that come to mind... the problem is that this is out of their nature..." Ina said with a sigh. "I am worried that we don't know where in the process this person is...when it comes to harvesting the souls. How many more do they need? What are they trying to cast?" taking a deep breath Ina tried to not get frustrated with how little the knew about the case. It seemed every time they gained a little bit of information the ended up with twice the amount of questions and a growing sense that this was going to be far more dangerous than they had thought. "human children souls aren't really useful in big spells but sidhe children..." she allowed her words to drifted off " if you could try and find out how many children are missing from that side it would give us an idea of what sort of time frame we are working with." Rolling her shoulders she tried to get rid of the growing tension.