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Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-10-2013, 07:20 PM

Welcome to Bell View....

Long ago the criminal activity of the world picked up greatly. Things shifted around so that mobs, murders, thefts and so much more were on the rise. The police tried their best to keep up with the rise, but a few special cases were unlike anything they ever encountered before. To house the new wave of crime, Bell View was created. Within Bell View, the baddest criminals and crazies are kept. These criminals however, can not be kept around the usual ones you see. These criminals are not your usual bad guys or villans at all. These are the ones they do not want to be known by most of the world if they can avoid it, the ones that can not face being released back on the mortal race. They are a danger to society for you see, these criminals are of diferent races, or have developed special abilities.

The prison is specially designed to house them and keep them from breaking out. Even thee guards and warden are specially chosen and trained to keep the prisoners under control. They can not risk a leak, or having anything about the prisoners getting out. They can not afford to be lenient or nice either, for many on the inside if given the chance would tear them appart. They have been trained to be cold and at times ruthless if need be to keep the ones within at bay. They are often switched out, for many are known to not last to long against the inmates, some have even been known to go missing which has immediately brought on lockdowns and the inmates being investigated.

Problem is, lately the military has begun taking an intrest in the members of the prison. They have been looking into their talents, and enlisting them for some special jobs. Not your usual break ins and roberies either, jobs more suited to take advantage of their talents. After all, what better way to catch a freak, then to use a freak right? They don't care about the inmates, as long as they get the job done, or are taken out in the process, one less freak to worry about. It may be their only chance to avoid facing the death penalty of the prison however, to redeem themselves and show they can handle life on the outside.

There seems to be a darker motive for the military as well though, rumors have been going around of experiments being performed on the inmates, for no one will miss a a few freaks. They want to find a way to cure the people who arise with powers or abilities that people shouldn't have. They are looking for biological weapons to shut them down and take them out before they are taken out themselves. It is kill or be killed, survival of the fittest in the end, and all have to do whatever they can to survive in the end or face the end of everything..period. Bell View is a nasty place to be, can you survive in it's walls, or will you become just another victim of its walls.


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[COLOR="Your Choice"][B][SIZE="6"]☠[/SIZE][/B][size=5][B][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]About Me[/FONT][/B][/size][/COLOR]

[B][SIZE="3"]☠[/SIZE][/B][size=1]There is no question about it, I'm (gender) [/size]

[B][SIZE="3"]☠[/SIZE][/B][size=1]Wow, I have really been around for (Relative Age) years.[/size]

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[B][SIZE="3"]☠[/SIZE][/B][size=1] I'm the type that (Personality)[/size]

[B][SIZE="3"]☠[/SIZE][/B][size=1] The reason I am here is (what did you do/ or are you a guard, warden etc..)[/size]

[B][SIZE="3"]☠[/SIZE][/B][size=1]My abilities have landed me here, for I can (powers/abilities) [/size]

[B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Your Choice"][SIZE="6"]☠[/SIZE]Life Has Not Been Kind[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][size=1]
Biography/sentancing/anything we need to know about you.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 11-10-2013 at 07:27 PM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-10-2013, 07:30 PM

Vincent Darkrai

Vincent laid in his bed, his arms folded behind his head. Bell View had been his home for awhile now, and already people inside knew not to mess with him. He looked like an innocent enough guy, but in here looks were practically always decieving. He smirked s bit and closed his eyes, man this wwas the life in an odd twisted kind of way. He was one of the ones who wasn't allowed to have a roomate most the time, cause they always ended up in the infirmary, or begging to be transfered to another room. Bell View wasn't like ordinary prisons. They didn't have cells, all the rooms were metal solitary confinement like rooms designed to keep the big bad inmates under control. They were allowed to come out though for meels and for time in the courtyard each day. If they were lucky, they were allowed to roam the cells and the hall, which had varrious rooms to keep them occupied.

Vincent was a special case though, most of the time he had the guards keeping an eye on him. He loved to fight, and starting fights here was 'against the rules'. He hated hearing that phrase, though it seemed like he was hearing it more and more lately. Having everything he liked being against the rules was such a drag. He was more of a calm, fun loving free spirit. He opens his eyes, and looks up at the cieling. It was solid metal as well, but in his case his room was more ventalated then others. Vincent had a knack for fire, he could create it and manipulate it any way he wanted to. He wasn't aloud to be around any of the kitchens without being heavily supervised, and was watched around the inmates who tended to tick him off.

The ceiling was covered with little sprinklers, and when they were set off, as he discovered when he first came here, it was like the room was raining. Because of the rooms design, it could in fact fill up with water. A little drain at the bottom, which could be closed and opened when needed. He reached over his head to the little nightstand, where a pack of cigarettes sat. Slipping one of the slender white forms out, placed it between his teeth. His smirk had yet to leave his face, and he lightly bounced his foot as he worked. He snaped his fingers, and over his pointer finger a small flame sparked to life. He herd the click of the sprinklers ready to switch on if need be, and knew the warden was probrably watching him again.

"Calm down, I only need a smoke" he says rolling his eyes and lighting the end of the cigarette. "See?" he says before allowing the small flame to go out, he herd the click again, and the sprinklers were shut off fully. He sighed, the warden had taken an awful big intrest in him ever since he had been brought here. Rumors went around that the warden was gay, and that he was looking for inmates he could have his way with. Vincent laughed, he doubted the warden could handle him, or would dare even try. He wondered if the warden had even really looked into him as an inmate, though with the attention he had been getting he guess hemust have. Vincent was always seeming to be watched around Bell View.

The doctors were always eager to get their hands on him, his body was like a playground for them in scientific terms that is. His structure, his abilities, they were always pushing his limits, and that was one of the few things he enjoyed. It was the reason he was in here, he had wanted to push himself beyond his limits, and find a worthy opponent since the outside presented no threat or fun to him at all. The mental doctors were confused by him, for in ways he was completely sane and stable, but in others he wasn't so much. He was a definite puzzle that no one in the prison could figure out. They were always trying, but no one seemed to make much progress with him at all, there were so many theories about him and what he was about though.

Vincent wished they would hurry up and open the rooms already, he was itching to get to the training room and work out a bit. He was normally always found their in the mornings before breakfast, it was the quietest time and no one dared to interrupt him. The training room was heavily guarded, and the one place he could use his powers without being yelled at or having water dumpped on his head. His stomach growled and he sighs, he was hungry already. He had gotten into an argument last night with the guards, and had refused to eat. His refusing to eat or staying in his room or something always got the wardens attention, he didn't know why but he often got what he wanted in the end and he had.

He had recieved his gun back, it was hanging in a locked box on the wall, but at least now he knew where it was. He wasn't interested in using it at the moment, but he had access if needed. That is, if the sprinklers did not go off on him before he could get it out. As if on cue, the sprinkler above his head clicked on, pouring cold water down on him. He coughed, sitting up as his cigarette went out now soggy. He ran his fingers through his wet red hair muttering a few curse words as the door slid open. Guards stood there, with a pair of handcuffs specially designed to drain and prevent the use of the inmate's abilities. "The warden wants to see you" one said before stepping into the room.

The thought crossed his mind of the warden wanting to see him, "so I'll finally see what the big bad warden looks like eh?" he laughed a bit, letting the guard place the cuffs on his wrists. He felt a bit excited inside, what an adventure this would be eh? He wondered what the warden would be like, few actually saw him, he usually sent one of his higher up lackies to do the dirty work with the prisoners. He smiled as they led him out of the cell and down the hall. This was turning out to be a very goof morning indeed, and hopefully with the new inmates would be a very exciting day in the end...


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 11-11-2013, 01:36 AM

Alice sat crosslegged in the middle of a dimly lit cell. Not that the light mattered much to her. After all it was manditorily regulated that she was to have a blindfold on at all times. Something that didn't really bother her all that much, at least she could live, but the thing did become rather uncomfortable, but what did it matter. The truth was they where afraid of her, much like her family had been afraid of her. To the eyes of the world she was merely a monster. Everyone locked up here at bell view was a monster to those that where not.

She could hear from above her the normal buzz of the dim lamp. A fly flew around it, attracted to the light. Two guards were outside her cell, as usual, though what they were waiting for, she hardly knew. She rarely caused a problem around the building. Most people simply let her be. In the beginning she had attracted a lot of attention. The small, dark haired, pale girl in a room full of murderous and extremely dangerous creatures.

The first one to pick a fight with her had been a big man by the name of Giardi. His power was the power of strength. Till her he had been able to boss anyone around and they would jump to do whatever he had wanted. Something about her had drawn his attention. Maybe it was the appearance of being weak, or perhaps it was simply the fact that she was a woman in a prison that was mostly male. Sure a woman or two sometimes made there way through the walls, but she also looked weak.

"Hey there little girl," he said moving close to her so that she could smell him, a smell that made her gag, "Rumor has it you got some wicked eyes under that there blindfold." He reached out to grab her but she felt the movement in the air and flinched away leaving him with a fist full of Nothing.

"Come on sweet cheeks, don't be like that" Once more he reached out for her, and this time managed to grab her arm. What happened next, she might have expected but he didn't. Not having expected to be attacked she had little time to throw up her barriers and control her power. Memories, and lots of them came flooding to her in droves. For a minute neither of them moved and the floodgate continued to rush in.

She let out a scream and fell to the floor causing the connection to break. He was looking at her with all new eyes. His eyes were wide though she couldn't see them. She could hear the rapid, shallow breaths as each of them tried and failed to breath normal. He was the first to talk, "You....are animal, breaking into a persons mind like that!?"

There was nothing people feared more then having their mind exposed. So despite the fact that she was now heavily clothed and gloved and also blindfolded the majority of the masses simply left her to her dark corners in peace a place that she was very fond of but it was only the inmates that left her alone. She noticed that she had been given a good deal of attention by the guards. Why though? What was so extraordinarily interesting about her when everyone here held a special gift.

She heard the buzz of the light go out and she wondered why they had taken her into darkness. The gate to her cell slid open and she heard two guards enter the room, but for what purpose. Alice waited patiently from her spot on the cold floor for one of them to speak first. Eventually it became known that they were waiting on her to make the first move in the game of chess. "What is it you want" she said in a voice that was low and velvety.

"Get Up, the Warden wants to see you" she felt two hands, heavily gloved, grab her roughly under the arms and pull her to her feet. She grumbled under her breath about being able to stand on her own but this merely landed her being smacked across the face for back talking. So she fell to silence and let the two guards, one of who she believed was female, the other male, lead her out of her cell in silence.

Last edited by Cora; 11-11-2013 at 05:54 PM..

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 11-11-2013, 11:21 PM

Elliot "L" Ryans

L sat in his cell in an awkward position, or rather, a position that most people would find awkward and uncomfortable. L himself loved the position, and found it easiest to think. His feet were laying flat on the wall, his legs slightly bent and parted, his back was against the cold floor, and his head was tilted back slightly. His shirt was hitched up slightly, exposing a bit of his stomach, and his hair seemed to be everywhere, despite the fact that his beanie was still partially resting on his head. He had put up quite the fight to keep his beanie with him. Apparently, the small hat could be used as a weapon to strangle people, and the guards didn’t trust him with it. Elliot did see why, though; he wasn’t the nicest person on the planet. In the end he had convinced them that the beanie could do no harm to anyone, and that he wouldn’t use it to hurt anyone. After all, L wouldn’t use such a stupid thing as a weapon. Nor would he get blood on it, it was his “precious thing”, the reason why though, even L himself didn’t know. It was silly really; keeping something with him that had no significance whatsoever.

His eyes wandered over to the guard by his cell. He seemed to be bored and uninterested in anything that was going on around him. L remembered when he first arrived at Bell View—though it was just about six, maybe seven months ago—he had been assigned an inmate, but that had proved to be a big mistake. Apparently the warden—or whoever decided on the inmates—hadn’t taken into account that L was “slightly” sadistic. It ended up with the other man huddled in a corner screaming his head off because of some supposed monsters, and because the room had “begun to transform into a mouth”, as the man said. He had also ended up giving himself rather large wounds, for reasons unknown. L assumed it was because he had gotten so afraid of the “monsters”. That was one thing that L loved about his special little abilities; he had the power to make people see things, and he could focus it on one person, or a whole group of them.

After that incident, the warden had put Elliot into a separate, single room, with special little feature, just for him. If he tried to “warp reality”, as some would say, he’d get shocked. The voltage would increase each time, and for each minute that it was on. It was a good plan really, L had to admit that. Though it hadn’t scared him the first two times, but after the second time he tried he realized that getting electrocuted just wasn’t worth it. It was weird; even though he enjoyed seeing others shaking with fright, and cringing in pain, L himself hated being in pain. Though, didn’t everyone? It was natural to hate being in pain.

His eyes still trained on the guard, a mischievous smile graced L’s face. If the guard was so bored, then shouldn’t Elliot give him some sort of entertainment? Closing his eyes for a second, he imagined the most horrific, most dangerous creature he could think of. He snapped them open, staring at the guard intensely as his mischievous smile turned into a cruel one. He watched as an animal that was more than half his own size, and seemed to be some sort of mix of a lion, a bull, a hippo and some sort of mythological creature began to form. It snarled, as if thinking that it was a real thing, and not just an illusion for the guard. “Go,” Elliot whispered, barely loud enough to hear himself. The creature lunged towards the front of the cage, scratching its large claws at the guard.

The guard gave a scream and jumped back, no doubt feeling the sharp pain in his back.

“Y-You! You make that go away r-right now!” he stuttered, L not missing the fright in his voice, “I won’t fall for y-your tricks!”

The creature lunged through the cage, attacking the guard rapidly. Another scream emitted from the guard’s throat and L let out a loud laugh. If he was going to be locked up in a stupid cell, then he was going to have fun with it. He would not let the stupid guard take away his freedom.

“Aww, come on!” Elliot taunted, “He just wanted to have a little bit of fun! Just play with him!”

“I-I know it’s an i-illusion!” the guard shouted, “So g-get rid of it you freak!”

L laughed even harder, his laughs sounding nothing short of maniacal, or some may even say “demonic”. He watched in sheer pleasure as the creature attacked the guard, and the guard screamed from the imaginary pain. It had to be at least ten minutes before another guard came around, and by that time the original guard had taken to kicking and hitting the creature, in a desperate attempt to make it disappear.

“Fool,” L muttered, turning onto his stomach so that his knees were now flat against the wall, “Only I can control him. He’s mine.”

The new guard seemed to realize what was happening quicker than L expected. Then again, they’d been dealing with him for at least half a year, so why wouldn’t he? Ignoring his companion, the new guard turned to L, holding up a button that he knew all too well. Sure, he had only been electrocuted twice, but that didn’t mean that they didn’t threaten him with the button. Sighing, L waved his hand and the illusion disappeared. All he really needed to do was will it to go away, but Elliot enjoyed showing off to the “normal people”.

“Boo,” he sighed, “I was having a lot of fun with that.”

“Sadistic bastard,” the original guard growled before walking off.

I have depression, anxiety and PTSD, so I will forget about things, and my time on here will be scattered. Please message me if I don't reply to something for more than 2 weeks.


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