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Lachesia is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 03:59 AM

Well, I'm required to post, then, aren't I? XD Ah, the Scarlet Pimpernel. First character that I've ever read about to use the "Hi, I'm Clark Kent" routine to cover up his derring do, and the first to do it so well. Still a great read, even almost a century later. I do keep rereading it every few years or so. Such a great little book. Percy's my hero. ^_^

The old forties movie version is quite good, but they speak fast and it's sometimes difficult to understand them. The film quality isn't great, either, but hey, it's the 40's. At least they kept fairly close to the plot.

There was another version made in the 80's with Jane Seymour, which evidently incorporated another plot sequence from one Orczy's books. It's a book I couldn't manage to find at all, which is sad, as it deals with the young French king getting smuggled out of the country. In any event, the re-done version is almost as good, and has a bit more chase scenes and derring do, but does keep to the spirit of the original Pimpernel.