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Marguerite Blakeney
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Marguerite Blakeney is offline
Old 03-26-2007, 06:14 AM

I'm almost done with my shiznit. Just need the "back of the book" summary.

We really need to kill Postit -_- I don't need this thingie to waste all my paper, although it just did so now I'm pissed.

And especially grounded for that entry about me being right when my mom is super-wrong.


EDIT: Oh my god, Rae, can you believe that I left my project at home? What time was it that we actually went to sleep? Well, considering I was sick (and still am) I can justify that "stayed up all night" entry. I just hope I can get it in time :\ otherwise I'm gonna be so pissed off. Postit's doesn't care if we're late does he? Eh...dunno, I already have three tardies in MacG's. I don't care, I just want my project!

I also finished reading through all of yours...hehe the entries with me (narcissistic) are so funny, yes even the snakey one and I'm sorry for that. But yeah it was fun to read everything : ) so stop writing about me XD you need better subjects.