Thread: Ama's Babblings
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amarantine is offline
Old 07-11-2009, 04:05 PM

7. "Trinidad Surf"

Finally, the mountains were behind him. Edward turned to gaze at the steep rocky slopes behind him. The sky-piercing crags caused a surge of pride to swell in his breast. To him it was amazing that he had made it through those treacherous passes without aid, except from his mount, especially at this time of the year. Here, at the foot of the cliffs that gave way to the peaks high above, all was fine; it was not yet cold enough for snow to be seen upon the ground. But in the high passes, and even in some of the higher foothills, snow was abundant. If Edward had waited any longer to make the trek, those peaks would have been impassable.

His hands on his hip in triumph, Edward turned to survey the area where he was, and to find where the chestnut had gone off to. There she was. Playing in the water of....a massive lake. Immediately, Edward's pride disappeared. The lake was large enough to have actual waves, and as they crashed against the rocky shore, Edward's confidence dwindled more and more. His gazed moved up and down the shorline and then further out across the lake. There, almost in the very center of the expanse of water, was Eala, somehow more massive than the body of water it sat in. The tall, white spires tore at the sky in much the same way as the terrific crags behind him. There was definitely no way he could do this on his own, especially without a boat.

Edward sighed heavily, and turned back toward the mountains. He did not want to have to go through those again. He swung the pack he wore on his back around and dug in the front pocket. His hand closed around a metal case that he withdrew from the pack. Opening it, he found his cell phone undamaged. He opened it, shocked to find he had a signal, and dialed. If he was to rescue the girl trapped within the gargoyled walls of Eala, he would need his team. And a boat. A big boat.