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animegirl_kittykatz is offline
Old 09-06-2009, 02:22 PM

pets cost 20g each+"anything else?" stuff u buy 4 them.

fill out this form if u want a pet:
*egg or mammal?(pet cost=20)(leave this blank 4 random)*
*gender(leave this blank 4 random gender)*
*name(if gender is random, put a name 4 both genders)*
*eyes(put eye color here)*
*anything else?(+???g each. it depends on what the 'anything else' is.)(ask 4 clothes n dialog n dialog balloons n stuff using this option)(detail the clothes veeerry closely! i cant make clothes if i dont know what clothes!)(plz avoid askin 4 wings if u chose egg or random animal!)*


slot1: empty!
slot2: empty!
slot3: empty!
slot4: empty!
slot5: empty!
slot6: empty!

breeding cost: 10g from each each pet owner(owners will get 3 babys each).
u can breed animals from different species! 4 xample, if u breed a bird n a snake, ull get an interestin winged snake xD

Last edited by animegirl_kittykatz; 09-07-2009 at 08:48 PM..