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Old 07-25-2010, 02:22 PM

I've deleted that image. It was a WIP and I had an updated image, so I took it off. :)

I hope you are feeling better today?

@Emma Corrin:
Yep, Miro is right about Celes Paradi. I'm not too sure of the dates myself, but it should start around August. xD

@M i r o:
You never know. xD
Male avatars and OCs work better at convincing me though. :lol:

The black lineart was the first sketch stage, of course it's messy. lol

I know of people who thinks of Lego as nothing but mere children's toy. o_o
*puts on bandage and plasters*
What was your greatest Lego creation? xD

I drink a lot of tea, and when I say 'added flavour', I meant English teas which are not the bitter Chinese kinds I usually take. I'll see if I can find bitter melon tea leaves. I've not seen any so far around.
I like both coffee and tea, personally. What beverages do you favour?

Eczema is not necessarily genetics, it could occur some times if the person is under certain circumstances. Health, surroundings etc. factors in as well.
I live in a naturally hot and humid weather all year round where I am. Wonders it did for my eczema. lol *scratches*

I think so far I've been on 5 avatar forum community forums. While I can't say Menewsha was my longest, it's definitely the one I contribute most of my time and resources to. ;)

What do you mean by okay? :O

Ffffftt You mean I'm not blond?