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Everyone's Favorite Imaginary Friend
Nolori is offline
Old 07-27-2010, 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by ronneh
Her hands raised to fold his collar over the lapels of his coat.
Since this is the first narrated sentence, I’d make it a little simpler grammar-wise. Maybe ‘She raised her hands to fold…’? It makes sense this way, though, so it’s not a major point.

Originally Posted by ronneh
… his hand raised…
You just used “hand(s) raised” so I’d phrase it differently here.

Originally Posted by ronneh
They stepped in delicate rhythm to the sweet hum of the organ down the church aisle.
I like that the ending had this punch. I really did. But I think this particular punch gave too many logistic issues to have its full effect. Since it’s a ‘rambling’ I can assume this isn’t the opening to something larger, which makes me a little depressed I won’t ever understand what the heck is going on.

Exactly because this is a short piece, I think there should be something with a few less questions attached. The question is not so much “Why are they getting married if they hate each other” because the readers can come up a thousand interesting reasons, which I think was your intent. The bigger question was “If they’re getting married, what/how is all this about being apart?”

Admittedly, I’m looking at this from an extremely critical point of view since I went into this to expecting to edit.

I really liked it, though! I hope you write more micro-fiction. You’re really quite good at it! I hope to see more soon!