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Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 06:58 AM

Smiling Madela nodded to Shara who grabbed everything they were going to need. "Alright let's start." She began to teach Naerwen everything she knew. By they time they were done the tunic would be back to its original shape if not better.

Absorbed in the jousting Azara winced when Percival was struck in the face but relaxed when he waved to the crowd. "That was awfully close." She said to Striker. Who mummbled something back to her. "My dear, please what is wrong?" She begged of him.

Striker turned to Azara and took her hand. "I am sorry friend. I just do not like this place. I know you can take care of yourself, believe me I do. I just don't like you being out in the open." Lowering his voice so no one could hear him he continued. "What if you would have lost control earlier? We would be hunted."

Noticing Strikers deep concern Azara patted his cheek as she did earlier and spoke softly. "Don't worry, I will not loose control. I promise."

((Ugh I have work in the morning. I'll be back on around five! That's when I get home. Night everyone!))

Last edited by CrimsonShadow; 08-23-2010 at 07:01 AM..