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oh comme je souhaite pour nos lèvres d'entrer en collision lorsque la lune se lève.
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JessehBoo is offline
Old 09-03-2010, 09:58 PM

Cammille remembered Isaac's mother, she loved that woman to death. She was like Cammi's second mother, especially since her mother wasnt around. Though she also knew that his mother worried about her alot, and felt that it was a good idea to stay out of sight. When she sat next to Isaac, Cammille hide her face in his chest silent as tears went down her cheeks. However once she heard that familiar maternal voice the woman looked up. Within 2 seconds the woman was crushing her with a hug and Cammi struggled to breathe. "Its good to see you too Mrs. Vental" she managed to say quietly with the small amount of air in her lungs. When she let go she took a big breathe and looked from Isaac to his mother and back to Isaac and sighed. "Can we not talk about it now...?" She looked at him with pleading eyes.