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Dead Account Holder
seth1313 is offline
Old 11-24-2010, 03:27 AM

Name: Sabien Black (Sable to his friends)
Nicknames (if any): Sable
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Sexuality: Bi
Powers/Gifts (includes fighting ability: don't have to name them all, just give a basic understanding. Things can be found throughout the story): Is able to influence the thoughts and actions of weak minded beings when looking them in the eyes, Also has low sunlight tolerances. Prefers to come out on cloudy days but can be in the sun for a short period of time or longer if fully covered. Skilled with a sword and hand to hand combat.
Preferred weapons: Light weight long sword
Personality: His moods shift easily. One moment he is a cluts and the next an asshole. It's often remarked that he is like dealing with 2 people in 1.
Bio/Background: Sabien doesn't like to talk about himself much or where he is from. He only reveals that he is from a wealthy family and would not like to return to his home lands. He prefers to keep his past a secret.