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Purple magic swirls and undulates; the fairy hoping the lad takes the bait. ;)
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 12-06-2010, 05:22 PM

(Hey, Shadami, can I change Archen's height to 5' 7" and weight to 145 lbs? I forgot to change that. He's supposed tp be cute :XD)

Melesha watched the exchange between Matt and Keladry before she responded to Matts offer. She almost sighs with annoyance but manages to keep it to herself. "Thank you for the offer, Mr. Onis. But I am capable of walking on my own without support. I would not mind the company on the walk, however. Thank you."
She then turns to the young man that just introduced himself to the three of them. She raised a delicate eyebrow. "Good evening Mr. Cloud. Your a day late for the start of classes but you can let the administration know that you have arrived in the first building you passed on your way to this one. They will take care of your schedule, housing, and whatever needs you have to be seen to at the moment. I would suggest getting it done quickly due to the fact that students are not allowed to be out of their dorms at night. This is the only time we will allow you out without punishment. Now hop to, Mr. Cloud and Im sure one or the other of us will see you in our classes. Goodnight, young man."

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 12-06-2010 at 05:25 PM..