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bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 08-28-2011, 01:58 PM

Belly beat you to it, so resheath those bitch-claws :) Good to see the first post nicely edited to add some content :D

For me it depends on the print density of course. I hate a slimmish book that's been printed with quite a large font as you can get through it in an hour, and that's disappointing :( I always have a decision to make in book shops when I've decided to splash out on a new book, generally around Christmas when there's a lot of 3 for 2 offers on. Do I buy earlier works and fill up the gaps in my collection from this author, or do I buy the latest ones? Because an author's earlier works are invariably slimmer than their newer stuff.

Having said that, if you're looking for books from a prolific author who's publishing career has spanned a lot of years, the decade the book was printed will have a big impact on how thick it is. I have nearly all of Dick Francis' books, and I vastly prefer the original printings of his first books which came out in the 60s and 70s. Because they are slim but the print is small, so they take longer to get through than you thought they would. One of the things that bugs me about that larger font is you're turning the pages almost constantly.

Also, have you noticed that new paperbacks are really poorly made now, they're clearly not constructed the way books were 20 or so years ago. I buy a new book and before I've finished reading it just once the spine is often looking the worst for wear, and often the covers are starting the tear down at the bottom, where they bend round onto the spine, another reason why I vastly prefer secondhand books >_>

I tend to mainly read in bed at night, so a book will last me several days, unless I'm being dumb and reading into the wee hours and depriving myself of sleep! I think the last "new" book that I read (meaning one that I'd not read before) was My Cousin Rachel by Daphne De Maurier, a lovely cloth covered hardback printed in 1952, that has 320 pages (and smells great!) That took me about 4 sittings (lyings) to read.

I try very hard not the read too quickly, as I will skip paragraphs if I do that, so I try to make myself slow down to I absorb all the story.