Thread: Sink or Swim?
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Psycho Alice
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Old 09-09-2011, 10:49 PM

The year is 1807 pirates ravage unsuspecting ships, stealing the much sought cargo and leaving the crew dead in its wake. Notorious captain Russkaya Ceal, otherwise known simply as Captain Russ was king of these waters. Any who saw the black flag he flew immediately said their prayers for none escaped alive that is. The only exception was if the men were willing to join his crew, that is if they were lucky for there were always plenty of volunteers more then willing to work as long as they kept their life. Sink or swim? Are you ready to join Captain Russ's savage crew? Or die?

1)Absolutely no god-modding, can't tell you how annoying that is. If you god-mode you will be kicked out no exceptions.
2)No killing other characters, unless the two people, and me agree upon the who, what and why.
3)This is a pirate ship, I'm going to follow the time period which means boys rule. Sorry girls no female pirates, unless the female is disguised as a male. For females on a pirate ship were considered bad luck, not to mention the fact that with so many men on the ship odds are the woman would be "used".
4)Which brings me to my next rule, I'm only allowing 2-3 girls on the ship all disguised as males and I will be taking one of those positions for myself. So first come first serve. I will not make any exceptions.
5)Yes I know this is a pirate ship, and pirates are rouges but this is menewsha and we have to keep it PG-13. Anything other than that must be moved somewhere else or use a time skip. The ship will make port once in awhile.
6)Semi-lits to lits please, I can't stand one sentence replies. I understand writing blocks but if it becomes to common you will be warned, three warnings and I'm sorry but I will ask you to leave.
7) PM your character and a small writing sample to me please.
8)I hope I'm not being to picky, just have fun.
One thing I should have remembered to add is that I would prefer people write in third person. First is alright and all but I like third better

First come, first serve. But I want to try and fill all the spots before we start. I know many men were needed to man a pirate's ship but I don't want to many in the role play would get so confusing. I will allow doubling up on characters and just make the new character a crew member if all the other spots are filled. But let me know first and we will discuss it.

Captain- I can change the name of the captain if the person filling his spot wants to but I prefer the name I picked. If no one fills the captain spot I will take it.
First Mate
Second Mate
Cabin Boy- Psycho Alice
More than one can fill these areas
Assistants (Blacksmiths, cooks, doctors, etc.)

Profile Skeletons

Short Bio How did you end up working on the pirate ship?



Name Madeline
Nickname Kitty
Position Cabin Boy
Age 17
Height 5ft
Short Bio Madeline had been on the streets most of her life picking the pockets of unsuspecting people. Filching bread here and there to fill her empty stomach. Her parents had died at an age to young for her to remember them, no one wanted to take care of an orphaned child who would undoubtedly never own up to much. So people left the poor little girl on her own without a second thought.
It was on this fateful day that while hiding down at the dock away from the authorities hot on her tail for her newest crime that Madeline saw her chance to start her life anew. A ship a respectable looking ship sat docked and wonder of wonders it was signing on crew. A cabin boy from what she overheard. She didn't think to wonder what happened to the old one.
Knowing fully well she would never be hired due to her gender. With skilful fingers she filched some boy clothes, bound her chest and cut her hair short. She became Gin an orphaned boy with a love of the sea eager to become the ships new cabin boy. Little did he know that the ship he signed on wasn't a merchant ship, as he thought it was but a pirate ship, none other than the most notorious one out there with a most fearsome captain. And here he was having to serve the guy.

Last edited by Psycho Alice; 09-10-2011 at 11:47 PM..