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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 03:59 PM


Shannon bent over her computer console and stared at the codes running along before her. This was going to be her masterpiece! Turning away from the screen she went to a prone body lying upon it's back. It appeared to be a pale young man, with dark red hair and striking golden eyes. An opening upon the top of his head let one see that he was a robot, this was where Shannon plugged in the connecting cable.

Going back to the computer, the honey blond haired woman muttered to herself as she went over the programming one last time. Her client wanted him to be a perfect present for their daughter. A butler, a friend and a bodyguard all rolled into one... And he had to be completely devoted to her! It was a tall order, but they had gone to the best in the field. Of course AIs who were so intelligent they might as well have been human were just beginning to make their appearance...

Hitting a key, Shannon smiled to herself as her creation finally reached the final stage. After that, the young woman bundled him up and packed him tightly into the box. She didn't notice that the address was wrong, or that she had made a mistake in the programming. At least, she didn't notice until it was too late and the AI had already been delivered, to the completely wrong person.

(If you want me to add more or change anything, just send me a message.)