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Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-06-2011, 11:01 PM

Allana awoke at around 9 like normal, feeling very woosy. She'd had too much to drink . There was no way she could go to work. She was just that out of it. Her head felt like it was being hit with a hammer. She got up and a yellow peice of paper fell to the ground. She picked it up and read it. Ellie was leaving her! She didn't know if she should be happy or sad. She decided to call Dev... whose number she didn't have! She slapped her head and instantly regretted it. She got up and put on her clothes and got ready to go to the Marriot down the block. He had to be staying there. And maybe she'd run into Ellie on the way.


Dev had already gotten dressed and was out of the house by 9 am. He needed to go reconcile with Allana. He knew she was at the motel so he began to walk the block down to it. He saw a fairly busty girl with blonde hair and brown skin walking across the street. That was her. He ran over to her and began talking. "I'm sorry Allana. I know you-" "If you're apoligizing about Ellie, it doesn't matter. I've only known you about a day and I met you in a damn club. I don't love you or anything. You can be with Ellie if you want. But FYI, it's gonna be kinda hard 'cause she ran away." Allana growled. Dev stepped back and looked around. "Well, do you know where she went?" "If I knew where she went then I'd go there, dumbass." Allana yelled, now walking towards Dev. He began to step backwards. "This is your fault. If you woulda never hit on me, we wouldn't be in this crap." she snarled. Dev looked sad. "Let's look for her." he said as he walked past Allana. She walked slowly behind him.