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The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 01-16-2012, 07:07 PM

Codette put her elbow against her knee and rested her palm in her hand. After a few moments of tense silence she spoke softly, this time without anger. "Is that any reason to let it happen again and again?" She refused to look over, she just stared at her pack in front of her feet. "I had a little brother, and I lost him. Laiden reminds me a lot of him. I can't help but involve myself. I don't know why I'm such a problem to you, but for Laiden's sake I'm sticking around."

Codette grabbed her quill and ink pot, and her maps, and gently folded her corset into her pack. "Laiden is more sensitive to your actions than you realize." she whispered, her voice nearly as soft as Laidens, as she looked over her maps.