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lunanuova is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 10:43 PM


:yumeh2:Canoeing Champion (Most Wins): Panda Slippers , Siriusly a Staff and Rocking Out Rock Star
Canoeing King/Queen (2nd Most Wins): Siriusly? and Cheezy Romance
Canoeing Master (3rd Most Wins): Sunny Side Up and BRAINZZZ
Canoeing Pro (4th Most Wins): Chilly The Polar Bear and BRAINZZZ
Canoeing Show-off (5th Most Wins): Hats off to you, Sir! and Shut Your Piehole

Mystery page prizes!

Page prizes will be given out to the fourth poster on these pages:

Page;15 dessertdesiert: Celes Paradi Hairpin
Page;30 hummy: Celestial Waist Wrap

Page;40 Smores: Starfruit Basket
Page;50 Smores: Celestial Waist Wrap

Page;60 spunky3: 100g
Page;105 spunky3: 100g

So don't forget to chat for more chance to win goodies!

Last edited by lunanuova; 06-21-2012 at 07:19 PM..