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It's quiet, now.
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Old 12-03-2012, 06:09 AM

Gino steadied himself as the bus straightened onto its new street, and chuckled a bit; it showed his awkwardness more than ever. He was so used to hitting the mute on his phone when he needed to take a moment, then blame it on faulty connection. But now he couldn't just close his eyes and wish everything away for thirty seconds. That would look as stupid as it sometimes felt. The only difference was, Gino was usually alone when he felt stupid.

He sighed, reaching his wall and being unable to climb it. "God, I'm not good at talking to people." He huffed at last. "It's so much easier to talk over a computer screen or telephone for me." He used both hands to swipe them through his hair, making it lie down at last. "You must think I'm a complete idiot, eh?" He tried to laugh it off. If he got any more flustered, he might as well just melt into the floor right now. He certainly felt like doing so.