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Velvet is offline
Old 12-10-2012, 12:04 AM

Riley smiled at his memories, "Sounds pleasantly amazing." She said softly as he stated his camping memories, "The stars are definitely another obsession of mine.." She then trailed off and started to giggle when Gino said he'd still go out in the rain, "That's funny." She giggled again, "I'd do the exact same thing. I have tried in the city to only get the unapproved glances from others. Guess that's why I never talk to many people.. they just don't understand." She fell silent though when she saw that the bus was coming up on their destination.

"Wow." She stood and stared at the magnificent structure of the enormous building before them. "We finally made it here, huh?" She studied the bold lettering that was over the entrance of this building.

Excitement began to ripple through her, causing tiny goosebumps to spread along her arms and legs as she leaned forward to try and see better. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and her throat was suddenly parched as the bus came to a halt in front of the gaming facility.

"This is amazing." Riley grinned and moved forward a tad bit, her eyes fixated on the towering building before her. It was absolutely huge and everything she had imagined it to be. The next few weeks were going to be a thrill ride and she was just pulsating with excitement and felt as if her head as going to explode from it. She just couldn't get off the bus quick enough as the passengers began to unload. She was pretty sure she had stepped on someone's foot, but she ignored the quiet "ow" and kept moving forward until she was standing on the smooth sidewalk that led to the entrance.