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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-09-2013, 04:34 AM

Jade's eyes seemed to light up, either at the mention she could be a cook or maybe at the mention of a violin. It was probably both really. Jade was fond of violins but his musical talents lay with the piano. He could play the violin some, but his 'father' had insisted he learn the piano. Quickly he shoved those thoughts away. An entertainer. That would be nice, his cafe full of beautiful violin music and he was almost certain she could play the violin beautifully. "That would be wonderful actually. You can be the entertainer, the main entertainer, probably the only one, and when needed you can cook too." He seemed genuinely interested and pleased, and he was. "Alright. You're hired. How soon can you start?" It would be awesome if she could start immediately. He was practically bouncing on his feet, he would have her fill out a proper application later. Just because one would need to be on file for paychecks and such.