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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 10:42 PM

Of course he had heard. She couldn't have even that ounce of luck, could she... Was he going to mock her now? Relish at her tears and weakness? Adelmar tried to stay as still as possible, but had little success and it would not change much anyway. But instead of laughing about her, he handed her handkerchief, making her go speechless for a brief moment. "Thank..." her voice was quiet, but sincere, and caught in her throat as she tried to suppress another sniffle, "thank you." She took it and wiped her tears, but more kept coming.

Why did Mannik do all this? Did he really, genuinely felt sorry for her? Did he have more heart for a prisoner than her family would have for her? Because Adel knew that if it had been her mother or father in this room while she cried, neither would show any compassion. Mother perhaps would ask her to stop in tone that would clearly express "you are interrupting my beauty sleep, I feel an upcoming headache." But Maksym... he would yell and she would be lucky if he would stop at that. He was usually only violent when drunk, however, and she had learned early to stay out of his way then.

In truth, soldier's attention made her cry even harder. She tried to even out her breathing and even bit her fist in desperate attempt to stop sobbing when his hand so awkwardly patted her back, but nothing helped. Streaks of red anger got entwined in her overwhelming sense of loneliness and sadness. What a miserable life she had been leading! And what for? Because blood was thicker than water? How come she was only one who had to follow this old saying? But no... She hadn't been doing what she had for her parents. Her grandparents had showed her plenty of love and their memory deserved to be honored. They would never act as she had seen in her nightmare. Of course, they would be somewhat disappointed and encourage her to find weakness in Below's group, but never reject her so wholly. However, they were not here anymore.

These thoughts didn't cross her mind for first time. And much to her anger, Adelmar realized that just like then, there was nothing she could do. She was more of a pawn than ever and had been taken off her path towards opposite side of board where she could become Queen, as she had once aspired to. But maybe... maybe there was a way to do something? Only what? What did she want right now? Surprisingly, it wasn't open war and revenge on the ones that had kidnapped her.

This thought brought her back to present moment and girl realized Mannik was still keeping her company. Her tears had nearly ran dry now, although headache was still here. She blew her nose, trying to think of what to say to him. As kindness and compassion was such a rare guest in her life, Adel didn't know how to react to it properly. "Go to sleep... I will be quiet now," she finally spoke and although it was curt line, it didn't have the cynical sharpness of earlier comments. She simply sounded tired.

"Like a fish out of poisoned water, I struggle and prepare to die, yet do not wish to return in those depths I come from," she thought bitterly, one hand clutching her coat, other handkerchief. Perhaps she would have a chance to wash it later and give back to Mannik. Now she needed to try and rest. New day came with new advice, did it not?

Eventually, she had managed to fall asleep. When Mannik would wake her, she would sit up disoriented and groggy eyed, but quickly pull herself together. Girl bid him good morning, more automatically than anything, and avoided looking at him, ashamed that he had been witness of her crying episode. And not only that - he had spun her thoughts in a desperate chaos, to the point she had been considering betrayal of her home in a way. This is why emotions were bad - one could easily be manipulated when the cup was full and feelings ran over. How could she know he sincerely meant it, that it wasn't a clever plan to gain her trust and get what they wanted from her?

She dressed and ran fingers through her hair in attempt to comb and smooth it (and was moderately successful). "Is there any chance I could have my hairpins back? If my word has any weight, I can promise not to stab anyone's eye out with them," Adel said, now looking at the green-eyed man, evaluating him. No, he seemed too crude, too direct to be part of a scheme to bend her to Below's will. He had little to no restrains or manners, had displayed nearly no cunning outside tactical advances.

But it was still foolish to get a little nightmare get the best of her. Of course, it very clearly depicted things that she knew awake, too, and that is why there was no reason to get desperate about it. Only clear head and good plan could save her now, both here and when she went back Above. If she would get as far.