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p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 06-14-2014, 03:17 AM

Katerina Belova

Katerina stands at 5'6". She is of feminine athletic build, with long dark brown, almost black hair. Her skin is a fair olive and her eyes are a dark olive green. She came to this village because of her love of legends and folklore. She truly believes the supernatural are out there, and she's prepared to defend herself, and overly eager and excited to be here. She has hand to hand combat skills and street smarts, though no training that she didn't train herself. She has a light Romanian accent.


The old black town car rolled over the stone road. Katerina was already in awe, and already out of place. There seemed to be no other cars here. In fact, the place seemed almost deserted. Perhaps it was this gloomy weather. The sky had dark clouds scattered about, and everything had an ominous tint of color. There was a light lingering fog, though not too think to see through.

She wasted no time driving up the hill and through the gates of Castel Nosferatu. This place, too, seemed deserted. What little grass was growing on the large hill, was more weeds and overgrown. The trees had no leaves, despite it barely being out of summer.

Katerina parked her car randomly at the front of the castle, and got out. A crow cawed and flapped overhead, too close, and she ducked. Olive green eyes scanned the area. She'd seen no sign of life here at all, aside from the crow. She wondered if she'd be going home disappointed.

She pulled a belt out of the backseat of the car, pulled it around herself, and fastened it. It had various spaces for things; a silver dagger, an antique looking revolver with silver bullets, a vial of holy water, garlic, and other various things "known" to deter the supernatural, not just the vampires.

Most people would laugh at her for being here, and being prepared for non existent fairy tale creatures. But they were here. She knew it. She could feel it. Katerina made her way up the stone stairs to the large front wooden door. Would she knock? She was almost giddy at the idea of something answering.

Katerina did knock. This could be someone's home after all. What would she say if a little old man answered? 'Sorry sir, I was looking for vampires and werewolves and ogres.' She laughed at herself, but her laugh cut short, when one side of the large wooden doors creaked open.

She peeked her head inside. No one was there. Katerina stepped inside the castle, leaving the door open behind her. It looked kept up with. Clean, enough, despite the cobwebs. There were even lights lit along the stairs and hallway. "Hello?" she called, in an accent that one might believe to be Russian or perhaps Romanian.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 10-07-2014 at 03:20 PM..