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sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 08-30-2014, 01:01 AM

Saya looks over at him when he ask her if she would. like to take a break with Dr.Ayu she sighs while. pushing her chair away form the computer. "A break dose sound nice right now. I hope Zack did not make those jam cookies yuck." she says while getting up form her chair. so they could walk to the kitchen to have break time snack and tea.

Zack moves around to get the tea cups out as well spoon's. even the sugar,creamer en honey pot out. he set to work getting to water electric water kettle filled with water. "Would you like anything while you wait? I can all ways wipe up something much quicker. like say a red bean parfait with match ice cream." Zack says to Ayu trying to see if she wanted. something to eat besides cookies for her snack today.