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Llama loving idiot
LeMissLlamaness is offline
Old 10-16-2014, 08:10 AM

Originally Posted by Chexala View Post
I love games. Right now Minecraft is my main thing, been playing too much, haha. I've heard good things about Terraria and the trailers for Planet Explorers look gorgeous!

I used top play Diablo 2 back in the day, but never got Diablo 3 because of the always-on DRM.

I also really enjoy point-and-click puzzle adventures (Myst, Portal, etc), The Sims, and visual novel/otome games.

I used to play MC a lot, but since neither me or my friend can join servers (for some reason) at the moment, I haven't been playing it much lately. It's a shame though, 'cause it's a great game!
Terraria is amazing, especially when you play whith friends. Unlike Mc there's a lot of bosses, different weapons, armor, decoration items, and I really like the fact that you can make NPCs move into your house.
Planet Explorers is gorgeous indeed, but it takes time before you feel like the game begins for real, and there's a lot of running around.

I've never played the other games in the Diablo series to be honest, but I saw my dad playing Diablo 3, and then I tried the demo, and it was simply amazing. (Even though it's way too easy unless you set it to "expert")

I don't really like puzzle games too much (I have Portal 2 though, but I'm really bad at it), but I really love Sims too!
I have one visual novel called DRAMAtical Murder (BL), which is really cool, but otherwise I haven't really tried other ones. I think I have another one downloaded, but I haven't tried it yet.

Sorry for writing so "much" text xD