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When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-05-2015, 02:50 PM

Mannik didn't know where he was. He was so confused. The soldier tried to think back. Adelmar...she'd attacked him. From behind. He'd never thought she would do so. What about the Commander? What had they done to her? His instincts had kicked in, and he began to judge his surroundings.

Despite being awake, and his head being fuzzy for some reason, he knew he was in the air, humming away quietly. Quietly? A ship from Seven, then. He'd been captured. Why wasn't he dead? He knew his stitches had broken open, although it hurt, the pain seemed far away. Finally, Mannik opened his eyes.

Of course. This would be the first thing he would see. Adelmar was locked in an embrace, kissing her fiance with more passion than Mannik would have thought possible. He struggled to a sitting position, and immediately regretted it. The world was spinning. Despite his situation, Mannik felt light headed and giddy. It was an unusual feeling.

"Why do you want him so bad?" Mannik heard himself say, though he hadn't meant to. "'Cause he's a pretty boy? Even though he treats you so bad, and sleeps around? Why the hell..?" He wanted to ask so much more. Wanted to find out why she'd attacked him, though it was obvious.

"For a second, just a split second, I thought all of ship doesn't have a button like that...." Mannik motioned to a blinking light nearby, and laughed. A rather rare sound. "What was I saying? Oh yeah...forces people into slavery...treats you so horribly...but you look at me like that?" Mannik's hair grazed his forehead as he shook his head. His hair felt sooooo good! He couldn't help himself, reaching a hand up and stroking the locks gently. "Hey...lemme...lemme touch your hair, Adelmar?" Mannik attempted to stand, but the world was behaving strangely, and he ended up falling. Another groan crawled from him, and he clutched at his side, wondering how badly the wound had ripped open.