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When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-05-2015, 04:50 PM

"If you want it, you'll get that power then." Her next words, however, made his scoff and grin broadly. "I hope it's not. It's rather be killed during an interrogation than waste away in a cell, or be forced to work for people I couldn't stand."

As promised, Mannik fell silent, a smile still perched on his face as he listened. His hands had dropped to his chest, and his glazed eyes seemed to trace every feature. Like he was starving, and she was a banquet. He hadn't realized how badly he wanted her. How much he wanted her to want him. What would it be like, to kiss her like Zenon had been able to do? What would it be like to have her give him an approving glance, instead of one filled with disgust.

Without thinking, he broke his word, speaking softly, almost as if he was talking to himself. "You make me wish I was different. Not like, raised in Above or anything...Just...nicer...with less scars...a-and maybe that I talked like all of us...I know it's stupid..." Again, Merrik was probably only saying and doing these things because of the drugs coursing through his system, but he struggled, sitting up, propping himself up with his arms. "I'm sorry...You'll be mad, but...just once..." He leaned forward, pressed his lips against hers.

The soldier would pay later, he was sure, but no one could fault her for him kissing her. A man going to his death was bound to do something stupid. He shut his eyes, partially to push down the feeling created by the drugs, making his very dizzy, and partially because he was sure blows would be coming, either from Zenon, or Adelmar herself.