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Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 04-19-2014, 07:59 AM


September 23, 2013

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Such a great seasonal avatar! I can almost feel that brisk autumnal breeze, swirling the leaves up into the air and snatching at the ends of your scarf. Just gone 5 o'clock and it's dark already! Time to get home, feet in some fluffy slippers and get the kettle on!

I really like the casual outfit here too, nice and cosy for a crisp autumn day. Excellent colour choices too. Awesome red hair shade, what are the codes for that colour, Neph? Fantastic natural red.

Now are they waiting on the station for their train home, or are they setting off on an exciting journey...what do you guys think?

March 24, 2014

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Doesn't she look elegant? There's a real 1920's vibe to this for me, the setting absolutely helps. A beautiful apartment in a grand old skyscaper in the fanciest residential area in the city. The sun's just reached that part of the sky that denotes the cocktail hour.

Obviously Neph has an impeccably trained butler, he doesn't need telling, he knows to make sure the flowers are frech and the wine is suitably chilled. But Neph's a little overdressed to be drinking alone? Me thinks that if we checked back in an hour or so there's be a guest on the balcony with her, admiring the view across the city.

Maybe that grin is because there's just been a knock on the door...let's leave them to it, shall we. ;D

October 8, 2014

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
I loved this movie as a kid!!!!

Click on thumbnail for full view

As soon as I saw this avatar, I knew exactly what Nephila was cosplaying. She did an amazing job! Could anyone ask for a cuter little chipmunk? Or Chipette, I should say.

This blast from the past still has me giggling. What a wonderful bit of 80s nostalgia right here. "The Girls and Boys of Rock and Roll" is going to be stuck in my head all week.

Well done!

February 13, 2015

Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
Happy Friday the 13th, peeps!

Today's pick is ...Nephila: !

This is the most apropos Valentine's Day avatar I've seen yet. With just a few poses, Nephila paints a scene for us that is incredibly poignant. Having spent many years as a black sheep myself, it does at times feel that something has to die before your heart can be given wings.

Fly, little heart! Be free!

Congrats on your first win of the year, Nephila! :)

August 8, 2015

Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
Dun dun dunnn ~ It's Monday, folks!

And what's this? An elusive blue star? Why yes - yes, I think it is!

I ain't a religious person, nor am I a cat. But I am a bit of a cat lady, and the idea that those furry li'l bastards who exhaust their 9th lives may get a sparkly, fishy, yarn-filled reward in the afterlife tickles my fancy. Lots of great parts-usage here - I particularly like the tattoos for fur stripes. It would've been way easier to just use a furry skin for this - using all gold parts took skill & creativity, and it looks awesome!

Anyhow, clever avatar - congrats! :)

July 18, 2016

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
Hello, all you happy hot dogs! It's Monday! The day that Howdy crawls out from his lair, takes a moment to hiss at the sun, and then chooses an Admin Pick. I'm like Punxsutawney Phil, but with less parasites. --- And my AP for the week is... Nephila:

Stop for a moment. ... Now let's all take a second to appreciate this blue fantasy. I mean, c'mon. Nephila has created here an underwater wonderland. Sparkly and blue and festooned with fanceries. Is it an oceanic wedding? Perhaps it's an undersea prom. Whatever the occasion, it feels all kinds of regal, but not stuffy. Neph's elegant mermaid/sea creature adds a nice touch of lightness and humor. --- I also like how the rose background seems to simulate the sunlight filtered through the water. It's nice all around.

So congrats to Nephila on her sixth star!


I know 'fanceries' isn't a word. Sue me. You'll get nothin'!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-19-2016 at 07:43 PM..