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Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 04-19-2014, 07:59 AM


November 25, 2013

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Looking a lot like a delicate porcelain figure, or maybe a beautiful antique fairy to go on top of a proper live tree, it's Mythos, looking absolutely lovely! The panniers make me think of a shepherdess but the overall vibe is much more ethereal than that.

Can't you just imagine this lady appearing, in a dazzle of wonderfully coloured sparkles, to grant you a fabulous wish or two? Tending to a flock seems just a bit too ordinary for such a pretty lady. That such a nice colour combination. One I especially like and have mentioned a few times over the years; a successful combination of a warm and a cool palette. Get it right and it really does look awesome, as you can see!

Now I want to know if Mythos leaves a trail of those amazing sparkles everywhere she goes? I'd want to walk backwards all the time if I did that! xD

Congrats on being super-prettiful!

February 12, 2014

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Look at this little lady! Mythos has managed to come up with an avatar that not only has an incredibly well-balanced color combo, but seems ready to tear it up on the dance floor. This is a girl who's prepared to hike up her skirt, shake out her hair and prance around all night long. And she'll look darn cute doing it!

That background effect is what first caught my eye here - It looks like the music notes were etched into the white background. That combination of items is such a little detail, but adds a huge impact. Great job!

November 21, 2014

Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
I really love this. Looking at it reminds me of the countless times I've been at some outdoor gathering late at night, surrounded by people and lights and music, and have slipped away just to the edge and looked out into the dark woods. It's that beautiful place between mirth & the safety of company and "something rich and strange" -- when my body is here, but only just.

So I guess you could say that this avatar reminds me of my own mortality. Weird.

Thank you for the journey, Mythos! And congratulations! :)

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-24-2015 at 07:06 PM..