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Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 04-19-2014, 07:59 AM


November 8, 2013

Originally Posted by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa View Post
By now it's definitely no secret that sometimes I go nude. This is largely due to the fact that I just can't dress myself. But because of my frequent nudity and my inability to properly layer, I'm quick to notice when outfits go the "less is more" route. McNugget utilizes this technique perfectly, not just with the lack of clothing, but with an uncluttered background as well. Now I'm not up to snuff on my Egyptian lore, but I can fanagle a story! I imagine this is an Egyptian god, up in his palace in the sky where the sunlight can shine upon his golden body. As a god, he needs no clothing, simply his weapon and the proper head attire to show his rank. The look on his face makes me wonder if something is about to go down though! I wonder if he's displeased with another god, or us perhaps? :0

Congrats McNugget! Another reminder that going nude is the bee's knees (although maybe only if we look like that?).

February 7, 2014

Originally Posted by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa View Post
I was really excited to see this cosplay of dear old Palpatine, aka Darth Sidious, the most evil man in that galaxy far far away. I don't know if anyone's done this cosplay before, but looking at this one, McNugget really went all out with it! It's nice to see the lightning hands being utilized, Force Lightning wutwut, and even great choices made for the face help bring ol' Palpy to ... an avatar, yess. That grimace, those eyebrows, those eyes! -shudders- Don't stare too long, guys.

Congrats McNugget! Now where's someone with a Vader cosplay? We need to restore balance to the Force, pronto.

December 22, 2014

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Look at the good daddy, saving his children from the terrors of the basement by distracting them with seed.


Maybe what we're actually seeing here is the training of the next generation of fearless avian warriors; schooled as soon as they are fledged in the ancient art of monster slaying. Here you see the tiny feathered combatants learning to use their initiative and make use of whatever is to hand to aid thieir mission, including their lunch!

Will the brave nestlings win out again the many-tentacled beastie from the scary land of Belowstairs? Or will they just end up having to wait until dinner time before they get anything to eat...only time will tell!!

June 12, 2015

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
It's time for your (somewhat belated ) Friday Admin's Pick!

This week's winner is... McNugget:!

When I first saw this avi a few weeks ago I immediately fell in love with it. It's simple and yet with just a few items, McNugget has manage to make a wonderfully whimsical avi! The alignment of the two water spirits fits perfectly with the umbrella's pose and the symmetrical background nicely balances the weight of the top half. Just what are these silly spirits and hummingbirds doing? I really don't know but it looks like they are having fun in their mischief!

Let's give a big round of applause to McNugget on his fourth star!

March 14, 2016

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
Faith and Begorra, laddies and lassies! We're a few days out from St. Paddy's Day, and I hope you're ready for me to sham-ROCK your world! It's time for Howdy's AP of the week, and that's no blarney... stone. ... ... ... Okay, I hate myself already. Let's just do this...

Do you know what this is, ladies and gentlemen? This, my friends, is an all around badass avatar. I mean look at it. Ugh! That is seriously something I wish I could put together myself. McNugget has created such a formidable, malevolent, and downright demonic looking underworld warlord. Seriously, you don't wanna cross paths with that guy. The avatar alone is worthy of the AP, and the framing of the lava and background makes a damn fine hellscape. Definitely the accursed cherry on top of the satanic sundae.

I ain't lyin', this is a great lookin' avi. I wouldn't try to lepre-CON you. ... That was the last one. I swear.

So congrats to McNugget on his fifth star!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-19-2016 at 07:38 PM..