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Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-10-2015, 02:47 AM

Kids are one thing i dont know. When i was small, i read books about adoption, occasionally. Like jo's boys. Louisa may alcott. I thought it was cool. But i really dislike this gimme generation. When i see the timeline of kids, i see wonderful beginnings. Then that obligatory and required separating from parents when 10 or so. Then it seems they want to be with their friends more than you. But you have to fund their fun. Kids arent appreciative when young, i dont think. Its not their nature. I hit my bottom around 15. Xmas wasnt fun. That natural joy was gone and i had gimmeitis. But when you hit bottom, theres no where to go but up. If i had a kid, but i wont, i wouldnt raise them in this area. Maybe kansas? Someplace where they wouldnt be too influenced by superficiality. An isolated farm. I would want to homeschool. Anyway, finished my pasta. Couldnt read that smelly book while eating. Kids like experiences like outdoor outings, animals. That present thing really irks me, where they start telling you exactly what they want. But theyll give their folks any ole thing. Ties for dad and what not for mom. The best gift i got my dad was this back massager pad for his chair, he said. My folks were very frugal cause they grew up poor. Thats why they veered into hoarderism. And they hated to buy themselves stuff. I later would buy me mum sandals, clothes.Things i knew she would like, but would not treat herself. From my experience, i think xmas is best for kids, up to 10. Then they get all greedy, and theyre not happy anyway from the stuff.