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Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-10-2015, 03:27 PM

Wasnt that a series by david ducovney sp? Interesting name. Also portlandia. But i wouldnt get the references there. I can hear a gardener plying his trade. Yet governor brown has decreed water rationing. Which is a necessary evil. No more green lawns. What can we do with that area? Another parking space? That would help get cars off the street. A tiny playground? Fence it in and have front yard gazebo? Put a storage bin there? I mean, that useless front yard could be put to better use. Theyre also talking fireplace restrictions, too. One day they will be obsolete. Good spot to mount a tv. Put wet boots there. Store vacuum. Cozy spot for animal bed. Extra pots n pans. I have this new eye shadow pencil, which is silver. The name is pots and pans. Strange. I dont have silver pans. What folks will probably do, though, is make water tolerant yards. Lots of rocks, cactuses. Im starting to appreciate water now that its on the endangered list.

Maybe one day currency will be water jugs. Michael phelps could be spokesman. We will covet it. Jewelry will be water themed. Ice cube earrings. A fossilized water drop necklace. Guests will gift newlyweds with water bottles. Naturally, water thieves will abound.

Theres that movie, water world, i think, with kevin costner. No land.

Im on a water tear now. It is now officially stuck in my pink craw. #Whatever that is

---------- Post added 04-10-2015 at 08:51 AM ----------

I was just perusing the IRL thread. And quite impressed. By the openness of the posters, and the sensitivity and compassion of the responders. Friends are a tricky lot. They say you need all kinds. Like in redbook etc or cosmo theyll be articles about, 10 friends a girl must have.

And its common sense. For instance, you need the cheerleader type, the confidante, the ladies who lunch. The tricky part is cataloguing whos what. How do you know if the haha optimist can be a confidante etc? I guess just through time. See what you both are comfortable with. My rl gf was in a bind once, almost getting evicted for hoarder issues. She told me in depth the problem. I wanted to help her. Heck, i practically begged. Please! I can carry stuff. Carry garbage bags down. But she refused. Perhaps embarrassment. But geeze, i grew up in hoarder territory. I know the lay of the land. But, she cleaned it herself. And is not evicted. But now, that means she has drawn a line in the sand. Which means id feel uncomfortable imposing on her in a similar manner. Yet, ah, friends! Ya gotta love em! But a single one cant be everything for you. Id say, give me the bakers dozen!

---------- Post added 04-10-2015 at 10:00 AM ----------

I keep changing my avi from left to right. But, what she'd really like to do is stand on her head!