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Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 09-01-2015, 04:37 AM

Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie View Post
To be perfectly frank, the events are a big traffic draw. You get a lot of people in here that you don't see every day because they specifically pop up for events. People who have moved on sometimes come back to visit. People who don't check in every day anymore will pop by. Newer people that might have forgotten that they'd signed up or gotten frustrated by their lack of cool items can come back to us and earn neat things. By not having an email, we miss out on all those people that show up only occasionally, but bump up an event's traffic. Events are more fun just because it pulls people out of the woodworks. I mean, earning stuff is great, but I love the feeling of Mene being alive.

Sorry to be the "mean" person to point that out. Keeping it secret and insular just seems silly. By all means, be elitist about signing in every day, but Menewsha is not composed solely of people who sign in every day, or else the site would be significantly smaller.
The lack of a mass email was not intentional nor a strategy. It was merely an oversight. As I said, jelly would normally have done that but she's on medical leave. There are a lot of things she just handled without making a fuss that the rest of us (staff) haven't quite picked up yet, either because it's stuff we took for granted or because we're doing a million other things and haven't had time to think. In this case it was both.

..I have no idea how to do it, mind, but I'll figure it out for next time. :)