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ScamTheMan is offline
Old 12-05-2015, 11:14 PM

Haha Soph don't worry about it you could take the time i'm in no rush :) Right now just chatting and watching a batman movie with my little bro.. Then ill probably study for an hour or so i have
25 pages to read in French and to note, small document to fill in in science, have Math notes to take from my friend's notebook, that i missed in the previous courses and my prioroty for this weekend is french.
Before the holidays thats the only exam i have so might as well put all my intentions on to that :)
Yeah well she ended with someone else doing not to great and she fell in a different hole, but that's none of my business now .. I have another "girlfriend" right now that's constantly in my balls and thinks im with someone else right now !
But that's not the point , This weekend we had my mother's birthday cake, i think i took about like a million pictures with her haha she just couldnt have enough -_-" xp..
Math is usally my best subject but i missed so much of it this year that i'm having troubles ..
Thank god all of my teachers respect me and all have my back .. serieusly ..
I kind of have a major crush on my english teacher and only with her im completely onfocused when im with her..
Im scared she notices .. She's 31 Italian and she comes from Vancouver. She just got her teacher's license last year and ive been helping her out mentaly because she's having difficulties controlling the classes so i kinda act like her bodyguard when im in tutorials with her and someone starts speaking down to her.
She's amazing and i love her accent xP <3
So many things are going on in my life as you can see .. My head's always spinning .. i never take meds cause im stronger.
Only my "green medication" is my true baby at the moment .. She reads the best bedtime stories ever 8)