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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-20-2015, 01:59 AM

Day 1 Results!

You timidly take one step forward to the nearest blue space. You become totally enamored with the beautiful cotton candy trees that you forget you needed to move farther.

Card 2 – As you skip along two spaces to the nearest green space you find that the area is really rather chilly. Thankfully for you this is a lovely dream and an Argyle Sweater Vest appears on a lamp post near you. (Please select one color of Argyle Sweater Vest and Ping me your choice. Please Also Include Gender)

You timidly take one step forward to the nearest blue space. You become totally enamored with the beautiful cotton candy trees that you forget you needed to move farther.

You happily skip along to the nearest green space, which is where you had intended to stop, however in your distraction you accidentally keep going to the yellow space. Oops, I guess you get to keep that extra space.

Grandpa gave us a very special gift today! It’s our very own Marzipan Heart Face fox! Isn’t he just the cutest! Grandpa says we can’t open it until New Year’s Day though! (You win a white heart faced fox).

Last edited by Cora; 12-24-2015 at 01:16 AM..