Thread: The Line
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Quite on the Outside, a raging storm Inside.
PurpleBox is offline
Old 10-01-2017, 04:33 AM

Ian didn't get back to the dorm till close to midnight, slightly tipsy as his new friends all wanted to drink to the coming school years. He'd told them he couldn't get smashed, a promise he'd made his sister before he'd left. So the dark haired man fumbled with his keys trying to jam the wrong key into the lock a few time before he finally found the right one and open the door. He stumbled a bit as even tipsy he was trying to avoid that stupid line... it was a glaring contrast to the color of the dorm floor and it irritated the green eyed male that it was such a contrast in colors...

His phone rang in his pocket and he swore loudly as he dug it out and squinted at the numbers flashing on teh screen before sighing. It was his sister, so he flopped down onto his bed and slid his phone to unlock to answer the call. "You should be asleep little Bee." His voice was sluggish and his sister said the same to him.

"I really hope your not drunk Ian, and it's fine I need to switch it up for the grave yard shifts I'm picking up on the weekends at the store." His sister said mater of factually and Ian couldn't help but smile. His sister worked for a art supplies store and used her small employee discount to her advantage when she needed supplies. The store was open 24/7, a new thing that the owner was trying because you never know when you'll need that specific color of... what ever you needed.

"Not drunk, tipsy... I had just as much water... Should crash soon, got some orientation shi-..... stuff tomorrow." Ian cut himself off form swearing and he smiled when his sister giggled, both their parents swore around them and Ian had swore a lot at home, though he tried to either cover his sister ears up as a kid or just to not swear around her... she though it was cute of him to be the protective brother when she already knew all those words.

The McLocke siblings didn't talk for much longer and Ian ended the call and slipped his fingers under his glasses and onto the bridge of his nose and groaned.... he wasn't sleepy at all. The Scottish youth felt wired but he knew he needed to sleep to catch the classes on time. Gods he really hated getting up early. Opening his green eyes to look at the blank ceiling he sighed and got up, striped out of his cloths, not at all caring if his room mate was awake or not at this point and changed into his more comfortable sleeping cloths before he buried himself under his covers and attempted to sleep.